Enable logs
Use logs in an environment without WAS
With stand-alone catalog and container servers, you use the default log location or set a new log directory location.
Catalog server logs are in the location where you ran the start server command.
Container server logs are in the directory where the server command was run. If you start the servers in...
<eXtremeScale_home>/bin...the logs and trace files are in...
<eXtremeScale_home>/bin/logs/<server_name>To specify an alternate location for container-server logs, create a server.properties file, with...
systemStreamToFileEnabled=trueThe workingDirectory property is the root directory for the logs and optional trace file. WXS creates a directory with the name of the container server with...
- SystemOut.log
- SystemErr.log
- trace file (if trace was enabled with the traceSpec option)
To use a properties file during container startup, use option...
-serverProps...and provide the server properties file location.
Common information messages to look for in the SystemOut.log file are start confirmation messages, such as follows:
CWOBJ1001I: ObjectGrid Server catalogServer01 is ready to process requests.
Use logs in a WAS environment
If you are running in WAS, consult WAS Information Center.
Parent topic:
Related tasks
Enable trace
Troubleshoot client connectivity
Troubleshoot loaders
Troubleshoot deadlocks
Troubleshoot security
Related reference
Trace options
IBM Support Assistant for WebSphere eXtreme Scale
Release notes