Administration guide > Secure the deployment environment > Tutorial: Security in a mixed environment > Module 4: Use Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) authorization in WAS
Secure the deployment environment > Tutorial: Integrate WebSphere eXtreme Scale security in a mixed environment with an external authenticator > Module 4: Use Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) authorization in WAS >
Lession 4.1: Enable WebSphere eXtreme Scale authorization
To enable authorization in WebSphere eXtreme Scale, enable security on a specific ObjectGrid.
To enable authorization on the ObjectGrid, you must set the securityEnabled attribute to true for that particular ObjectGrid in the XML file. For this tutorial, you can either use the XSDeployment_sec.ear file from the samples_home/WASSecurity directory, which has already has security set in the objectGrid.xml file, or you can edit the existing objectGrid.xml file to enable security. This lesson demonstrates how to edit the file to enable security.
- Optional: Extract the files in the XSDeployment.ear file, and then unzip the XSDeploymentWeb.war file.
- Optional: Open the objectGrid.xml file and set the securityEnabled attribute to true on the ObjectGrid level. See an example of this attribute in the following example:
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../objectGrid.xsd" xmlns=""> <objectGrids> <objectGrid name="Grid" txTimeout="15" securityEnabled="true"> <backingMap name="Map1" /> </objectGrid> </objectGrids> </objectGridConfig>If you have multiple ObjectGrids defined, then set this attribute on each grid.
- Optional: Repackage the XSDeploymentWeb.war and XSDeployment.ear files to include the changes.
- Required: Uninstall the XSDeployment.ear file and then install the updated XSDeployment.ear. You can either use the file you modified in the previous steps, or you can install the XSDeployment_sec.ear file that is provided in the samples_home/WASSecurity directory. See Lesson 2.4: Install and run the sample for more information about installing the application.
- Restart all of the application servers to enable WebSphere eXtreme Scale authorization.
Lesson checkpoint
You enabled security on the ObjectGrid, which also enables authorization on the data grid.