Administration guide > Secure the deployment environment
Transport layer security and secure sockets layer
WebSphere eXtreme Scale supports both TCP/IP and Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL) for secure communication between clients and servers.
Enable transport security for Sun JDK
WebSphere eXtreme Scale requires IBM Java™ Secure Sockets Extension (IBMJSSE) or the IBM Java Secure Sockets Extension 2 (IBMJSSE2). The IBMJSSE and IBMJSSE2 providers contain a reference implementation supporting SSL and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols and an application programming interface (API) framework.
The pure Sun JDK doesn't ship the IBM JSSE and IBM JSSE2 providers, therefore transport security cannot be enabled with a Sun JDK. In order to make this work, a Sun JDK shipped with WAS is required. The WAS shipped Sun JDK contains the IBM JSSE and IBM JSSE2 providers.
Read about configuring an Object Request Broker to be able to use a non-IBM JDK for WebSphere eXtreme Scale. If -Djava.endorsed.dirs is configured, it points to both the objectgridRoot/lib/endorsed and the JRE/lib/endorsed directories. The directory objectgridRoot/lib/endorsed is required so the IBM ORB is used, and the directory JRE/lib/endorsed is required to load the IBM JSSE and IBM JSSE2 providers.
Use the security tutorial to configure the required SSL properties, to create keystores and truststores, and to start secure servers in WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
- Configure secure transport types
Transport layer security (TLS) provides secure communication between the client and server. The communication mechanism that is used depends on the value of the transportType parameter that is specified in the client and server configuration files.
- Configure the file for transport security support
If you are using a stand-alone environment, modify the file to include additional properties.
- Configure SSL parameters for clients or servers
How you configure SSL parameters varies between clients and servers.
Parent topic:
Secure the deployment environment
Related concepts
Application client authentication
Application client authorization
Java Management Extensions (JMX) security
Security integration with external providers
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Related reference
Related information
Tutorial: Integrate WebSphere eXtreme Scale security with WAS