Develop > Controller layer > Integrate with back-end systems and external applications > Customize WebSphere Commerce Payments > WebSphere Commerce Payments command reference

CustomOffline Cassette return codes

The CustomOffline return codes follow:

Secondary Return Code Value Description
RC_BUNDLE_ID_MISMATCH 20001 The CustomOffline cassette resource bundle ID mismatch.
RC_ACCOUNT_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 21000 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CustomOfflineAccount table.
RC_ACCOUNT_SELECT_CLOSE_FAILURE 21001 An SQL exception occurred while closing the query session on the CustomOfflineAccount table.
RC_ACCOUNT_CREATE_ROW_FAILURE 21002 An SQL exception occurred while adding a row to the CustomOfflineAccount table.
RC_ACCOUNT_CREATE_SQL_FAILURE 21003 An SQL exception occurred while inserting a row to the CustomOfflineAccount table.
RC_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_ROW_FAILURE 21004 An SQL exception occurred while updating a row in the CustomOfflineAccount table.
RC_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_SQL_FAILURE 21005 An SQL exception occurred while updating the CustomOfflineAccount table.
RC_ACCOUNT_DELETE_ROW_FAILURE 21006 An SQL exception occurred while deleting a row from the CustomOfflineAccount table.
RC_ACCOUNT_DELETE_SQL_FAILURE 21007 An SQL exception occurred while deleting the CustomOffline account table.
RC_ACCOUNT_NULL_BATCH_NUMBER 21009 An attempt to retrieve a batch for a transaction with an empty batch number was made.
RC_BATCH_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 22002 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CustomOfflineBatch table.
RC_BATCH_SELECT_CLOSE_FAILURE 22003 An SQL exception occurred while closing a query session of CustomOfflineBatch table.
RC_BATCH_CREATE_SQL_FAILURE 22005 An SQL exception occurred while inserting row into the CustomOfflineBatch table.
RC_BATCH_UPDATE_ROW_FAILURE 22006 An SQL exception occurred while updating a row in the CustomOfflineBatch table.
RC_BATCH_UPDATE_SQL_FAILURE 22007 An SQL exception occurred while updating the CustomOfflineBatch table.
RC_BATCH_DELETE_ROW_FAILURE 22008 An SQL exception occurred while deleting a row from the CustomOfflineBatch table.
RC_BATCH_DELETE_SQL_FAILURE 22009 An SQL exception occurred while deleting rows from the CustomOfflineBatch table.
RC_BATCH_NULL_ORDER_FOR_PAYMENT 22010 A payment's order cannot be NULL.
RC_BATCH_NULL_PAYMENT 22011 A payment object cannot be empty within a batch.
RC_BATCH_BAD_BATCH_IN_PAYMENT 22012 The batch number referenced in the payment object is different from that in the associated batch object.
RC_BATCH_NULL_ORDER_FOR_CREDIT 22013 A credit's order cannot be NULL.
RC_BATCH_NULL_CREDIT 22014 A credit object cannot be empty within a batch.
RC_BATCH_BAD_BATCH_IN_CREDIT 22015 The batch number referenced in the credit object is different fromthat in the associated batch object.
RC_BATCH_PURGE_INCOMPLETE 22016 The batch purge operation is incomplete.
RC_ORDER_SELECT_ORDER_MISSING 23001 An SQL query for an order returns nothing.
RC_ORDER_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 23002 An SQL query for orders failed.
RC_ORDER_SELECT_CLOSE_FAILURE 23003 An SQL exception occurred while closing an order query session.
RC_ORDER_CREATE_ROW_FAILURE 23004 An SQL exception occurred while inserting a row into the CustomOfflineOrder table.
RC_ORDER_CREATE_SQL_FAILURE 23005 An SQL exception occurred while inserting rows into the CustomOfflineOrder table.
RC_ORDER_UPDATE_ROW_FAILURE 23006 An SQL exception occurred while updating a row in the CustomOfflineOrder table.
RC_ORDER_UPDATE_SQL_FAILURE 23007 An SQL exception occurred while updating rows in the CustomOfflineOrder table.
RC_ORDER_DELETE_ROW_FAILURE 23008 An SQL exception occurred while deleting a row from the CustomOfflineOrder table.
RC_ORDER_DELETE_SQL_FAILURE 23009 An SQL exception occurred while deleting rows from the CustomOfflineOrder table.
RC_PAYMENT_SELECT_ROW_FAILURE 24000 An SQL exception occurred while querying a row from the CustomOfflinePayment table.
RC_PAYMENT_SELECT_PAYMENT_MISSING 24001 An error occurred while querying the CustomOfflinePayment table.
RC_PAYMENT_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 24002 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CustomOfflinePayment table.
RC_PAYMENT_SELECT_CLOSE_FAILURE 24003 An SQL exception occurred while closing a query session.
RC_PAYMENT_CREATE_ROW_FAILURE 24004 An SQL exception occurred while inserting a row into the CustomOfflinePayment table.
RC_PAYMENT_CREATE_SQL_FAILURE 24005 An SQL exception occurred while inserting rows into the CustomOfflinePayment table.
RC_PAYMENT_UPDATE_SQL_FAILURE 24007 An SQL exception occurred while updating rows in the CustomOfflinePayment table.
RC_PAYMENT_DELETE_SQL_FAILURE 24009 An SQL exception occurred while deleting rows from the CustomOfflinePayment table.
RC_CREDIT_SELECT_CREDIT_MISSING 25001 An error occurred while querying the CustomOfflineCredit table.
RC_CREDIT_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 25002 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CustomOfflineCredit table.
RC_CREDIT_SELECT_CLOSE_FAILURE 25003 An SQL exception occurred while closing a query session from the CustomOfflineCredit table.
RC_CREDIT_CREATE_SQL_FAILURE 25005 An SQL exception occurred while inserting rows into the CustomOfflineCredit table.
RC_CREDIT_UPDATE_ROW_FAILURE 25006 An SQL exception occurred while updating a row in the CustomOfflineCredit table.
RC_CREDIT_UPDATE_SQL_FAILURE 25007 An SQL exception occurred while updating rows in the CustomOfflineCredit table.
RC_CREDIT_DELETE_ROW_FAILURE 25008 An SQL exception occurred while deleting a row from the CustomOfflineCredit table.
RC_CREDIT_DELETE_SQL_FAILURE 25009 An SQL exception occurred while deleting rows from the CustomOfflineCredit table.
RC_QUERY_ORD_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 26000 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CUSTOMORDERVIEW view.
RC_QUERY_PAY_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 26001 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CUSTOMPAYMENTVIEW view.
RC_QUERY_CRE_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 26002 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CUSTOMCREDITVIEW view.
RC_QUERY_BAT_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 26003 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CUSTOMBATCHVIEW view.
RC_QUERY_ACC_SELECT_SQL_FAILURE 26004 An SQL exception occurred while querying the CUSTOMACCOUNTVIEW view.

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CustomOffline Cassette Cashier profiles


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