Tutorials > Customize the Consumer Direct sample store > Customizing the consumer direct sample store using snippets

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Example: Using JSP code and object snippets

This section describes an example using JSP code and object snippets.

In the Tutorial: Customizing the consumer direct sample store using snippets, the following lines of code are added to Stores/MyApparelStore/include/styles/style1/CachedSidebarDisplay.jsp. The lines are noted here to demonstrate how to use JSP code and object snippets.

<!--Start Sales Catalog JSP code snippet -->
<c:import url="${jspStoreDir}include/StoreCatalogDisplay.jsp" />
<!--End Sales Catalog JSP code snippet -->

<!--Start e-Marketing Spot JSP code snippet -->

<c:import url="${jspStoreDir}include/eMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp">     
<c:param name="emsName" value="MyApparelSpot" />    
<c:param name="catalogId" value="${WCParam.catalogId}" />    

<!--End e-Marketing Spot JSP code snippet -->

<!--Begin CatalogEntryThumbnailDisplay object snippet -->
<!--Create a CatalogEntryDataBean and populate it with the catalog entry we want to display. -->     
<wcbase:useBean  classname="com.ibm.commerce.catalog.beans.CatalogEntryDataBean"
<c:set value="11212" target="${catEntryBean}" property="catalogEntryID" />
<!--Set variables to be sent to the CatalogEntryThumbnailDisplay.jspf object snippet --> 
<c:set var="catEntry" value="${catEntryBean}" /> 
<c:set var="hideDiscounts" value="true" /> 
<c:set var="hidePrice" value="true" /> 
<%@ include file="../images/locale/screensnap/../Snippets/ReusableObjects/CatalogEntryThumbnailDisplay.jspf" %>
<!--End CatalogEntryThumbnailDisplay object snippet-->

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