Develop > Business logic layer > Developing the business logic layer using the BOD command framework > Developing BOD Process, Change, and Sync services

Exchange data with an external system before performing a Process, Change, or Sync service

Occasionally you may want to exchange data with some external system before the Process, Change, or Sync BOD command is run. The BOD command framework provides extension points for such integration efforts.


  1. Identify the controller command implementation and extend that class. You can determine the class name... ProcessNounNameCmd, ChangeNounNameCmd, SyncNounNameCmd.

  2. Extend the read() method to call the external system to retrieve the required data. The read() method should call

  3. Extend the save() method to call the external system to save the changed data. The save() method should call

  4. Register the ProcessNounCmd implementation.

Related concepts

Business Object Document Process processing pattern

Business Object Document Change processing pattern

Business Object Document Sync processing pattern


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