Reference > Utilities

massload utility (Development environment)

This utility loads an XML input file into a target database. Loading the XML file for populate and updates the WebSphere Commerce database. The massload utility allows column-level updates to a table. It also allows you to delete data from a database.

The massload utility only loads one file at a time.

The page covers the massload utility in the WebSphere Commerce development environment. For the massload utility in the WebSphere Commerce server environment, see massload utility (Server environment).

The massload utility required valid and well-formed XML as input to the database. In this input, element names correspond to table names and attributes of the element correspond to column names in the table.

The massload utility includes the following features:

Error reporter

The massload utility includes an error reporter that generates an exception document if there is an error.

Product Advisor search-space synchronization

If you enable the loading utilities' Product Advisor search-space synchronization feature, you can maintain near real-time synchronicity of Product Advisor search spaces and WebSphere Commerce catalog tables being updated by the massload utility.

Before running this utility, ensure that you have complete the required configuration tasks:

  1. Configure the loading utilities.

  2. Configure tracing and logging for the loading utilities.

  3. Configure the massload utility.

  4. Optional: Configure the file.


The syntax for the massload utility depends on which database you are using as the development database:

Parameter values

XML file name

The full path to the XML file containing the data to be loaded into the development database.

Host name

The fully qualified host name of the machine hosting the development database.

DB name

The name of the database into which you are loading data.

For DB2 UDB databases, the Type 2 database name is deprecated, where the database names do not contain a prefix.

That is, the DB2 Type 4 JDBC driver is used instead, where the Type 4 database name is prefixed with the database server and port. For example, db_server:db_port/db_name.

See How JDBC applications connect to a data source in the DB2 Information Center for more information.

DB user

The ID of a database user authorized to connect to the database.

DB pwd

The password for the database user.

DB schema

(Optional) The name of the database schema into which you are loading data. Specify the schema name in upper case letters.

Related concepts

Overview of the mass load utilities

Transforming, loading, and extracting data using the WebSphere Commerce loading utilities

Workspaces locking policies

Related tasks

Configure the environment variable setting scripts

Configure the massload utility

Load data using the mass load utility

Configure timestamp and date data handling

Related reference

Resolve identifiers for records that share identifiers with existing data

fileloader utility

dtdgen utility

massextract utility

idresgen utility

Example: Loading current timestamps

massload utility (Server environment)

Examples: Deleting objects


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