Reference > Shop flow URLs > Catalog subsystem URLs > Catalog groups

CatalogGroupMove URL

This URL moves a catalog group from its current parent catalog group to a different, existing parent catalog group.

URL structure

http:// host_name/path/

The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.

Diagram of the URL structure: The URL starts with the fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path, followed by the URL name, CatalogGroupMove , and the ? character. End the URL with a list of parameters in the form of name-value pairs. Separate each <a href=name-value pair with the & character. For a detailed description of the parameters and their values, see the list entitled Parameter values." />

Parameter values


Required: The reference number of the catalog.


Required: The reference number of the catalog group to be moved.


Required: The reference number of the current parent catalog group.


Required: The reference number of the new parent catalog group.


The personalization rule for the catalog group. The default reuses the current personalization rule.


The sequence number for the catalog group. The default is 0.


The default value of "N" or "NO" will not synchronize the affected product sets after the move. The default is to synchronize the product sets.


The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.


The following example moves a catalog group with a reference number of 10300 from its current parent catalog group (reference number of 10100) to its new parent catalog group (reference number of 10200). The catalog reference number is 10000:



Exception conditions

Related concepts

Catalog subsystem

Related reference

CatalogGroupAdd URL

CatalogGroupDelete URL

CatalogGroupUpdate URL

TopCatalogGroupAdd URL

TopCatalogGroupDelete URL

CatGroupRelAdd URL

CatGroupRelDelete URL

Catalog subsystem URLs


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