Develop > Persistence layer > Data assets > Work with the Data load utility

Configure the business object configuration file

The business object configuration file defines how to load the data into the database. In this file, you specify the implementation classes for the Data Reader, Business Object Builder, and Business Object Mediator components. You also specify the attributes and properties for these components.

A sample business object configuration file is provided...


  1. Open the sample business object configuration file: wc-loader-catalog.xml

  2. Specify the data reader implementation class.

    1. Find the <_config:DataReader> element.

    2. Set the className attribute value. The value of this attribute specifies the class name for the data reader. You can specify the provided class, CSVReader. However, if you customize the data reader, you can specify the implementation class.

      See Configure the CSV data reader for more information about configuring the CSV data reader.

  3. Specify the business object builder class.

    1. Find the <_config:BusinessObjectBuilder> element.

    2. Set the className attribute value. The value of this attribute specifies the class name for the business object builder. The two implementation classes provided are:

      See Configure the BusinessObjectBuilder for more information about configuring the BusinessObjectBuilder.

  4. Specify the business object mediator class.

    1. Find the <_config:BusinessObjectMediator> element.

    2. Set the className attribute value. The value of this attribute specifies the class name for the business object mediator. See Data load business object mediators for a list of the provided mediators.

    3. Set the componentId attribute value. The value of this attribute specifies the component ID for this mediator. The supported componentId are:




    4. Find the <_config:property> element. This element defines an optional property that is specific to this business object mediator. Each mediator can have one or more properties or might not have any properties.

      • Set the name attribute - The name of the property.

      • Set the value attribute - The value of the property.

Related tasks

Load extension tables

Create custom data load business object mediators

Create custom data readers

Configure the CSV data reader

Related reference

Configure the BusinessObjectBuilder

Data load business object mediators


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