Configure WebSphere Commerce to communicate with a procurement system (Enterprise)

In order for WebSphere Commerce to communicate with a procurement system, the following steps need to be implemented for all procurement system protocols:

  1. Capture the procurement protocol and system information in the
    PROCSYS and
    PROCPROTCL database tables by doing the following:

The following SQL statements are examples of using the Ariba cXML protocol version 1.0:

insert into procsys values ('Ariba', null, null);

  insert into procprotcl (procprotcl_id, procsysname, protocolname, version, 
  authtype, twostepmode, classifdomain, uomstandard) values (1, 'Ariba', 'cXML', 
  '1.0', 1, 'Y', 'UNSPSC', NULL);

The following additional steps are needed for procurement protocols that use XML/HTTP:

  1. Add a new message mapper for procurement. This example assumes that the message mapper name is WCBE.ARIBA.
  2. In the WebSphere Commerce configuration file, update the configuration entry for the XML/HTTP adapter by adding the new message mapper. For the Ariba cXML message mapper, the adapter configuration entry would be updated as follows:
    <HttpAdapters display="false">
      <HttpAdapter deviceFormatTypeId="-10000"
      <SessionContextConfig />
      <Configuration supportedMethods="POST, M-POST"
      supportedContentTypes="text/xml, text/xml; charset=UTF-8, text/xml-SOAP"
      supportedMessageMappers="WCBE.ARIBA, WCS.INTEGRATION"
      supportedCharacterEncoding="ISO8859-1, UTF-8" />

    Note: Any content types and encoding used by the procurement system buyer side tools must be listed in the supportedContentTypes and supportedCharacterEncoding attributes.

  3. Create an entry in the
    DEVICEFMT table for the new message mapper. The DEVICEFMT_ID is the summation of the HTTP adapter deviceFormatId, and the messageMapperId. For the Ariba example, the DEVICEFMT_ID is -10003. The DEVICEFMT_ID is used in the Struts configuration file for different view tasks for different protocols.