
Receiving CMN0411E error when updating taxes
When updating taxes or adding a new tax in the Tax notebook in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, you receive the following exception:

[10/11/04 10:31:50:328 CDT] 7f4d4537 CommerceSrvr E performExecute CMN0411E: The following Finder Exception occurred during processing: "javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException: catalogEntryCalculationCodeId=4000000000000000000 ".javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException: catalogEntryCalculationCodeId=4000000000000000000
In the CATENCALCD table, the catencalcd_id column contains numbers that are too large.
Check your CATENCALCD table to see if all of the catencalcd_id numbers are too large (such as 4000000000000000000). Use the following workaround to correct this problem:

1. Back up your database before introducing changes.

2. Run the following SQL statements:

update catencalcd set catencalcd_id = catencalcd_id - 3999999999999990000 where catencalcd_id > 1000000000

select max(catencalcd_id) from catencalcd

update keys set counter = (result from previous step) + 1, lowerbound=0, upperbound=3999999999999999999 where tablename='catencalcd'

3. Refresh the calculation registry from WebSphere Commerce Administration Console > Configuration > Registry. Restart the WebSphere Commerce instance.


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