Tools framework

The tools framework defines user interface elements and functionality used to control and manipulate these elements. There are two types of elements:

The elements available are as follows:


A wizard is a container element. It consists of a sequence of panels in which users can enter and manipulate data.


A notebook is a container element. It consists of a non-sequential set of panels in which users can enter and manipulate data.


A dialog is a container element. Dialogs consist of a single content panel.

Tools User Interface Center

The Tools User Interface Center is a container element. The WebSphere Commerce Accelerator is an example of a Tools User Interface Center element.

Slosh Bucket

A slosh bucket is a base element. It is a visual metaphor containing two single column lists, side by side. Four buttons are placed between the columns to move items between the two lists: Add, Add All, Remove, Remove All.

Dynamic List

A dynamic list is a base element. It is a sortable list element, with Previous and Next buttons to navigate through data.


A calendar is a base element. A calendar allows the user to choose a specific day, month, and year. It should always be available from a calendar icon beside date entry input fields.

Dynamic Tree

A dynamic tree is a base element. A dynamic tree organizes information in a tree layout, allowing the user to navigate the tree, as well as expand and collapse tree branches.

Search Dialogs

A search dialog is a base element. It provides the customer with a search interface.

Universal dialog

A base element that is defined with only an XML file. In the most basic case, the entire universal dialog is defined with only an XML file, no JSP or HTML files are required.

There are two methods available to combine elements, they are as follows:

Element chaining

Wizards, notebooks, and dialogs can be linked together to perform one task.

Wizard branching

Wizard panel flow can be altered depending on data entered in previous panels.

Related concepts

Related tasks