Run the stagingcheck utility

To check potential unique index key confliction between the production-ready data to the production database:

To run the stagingcheck utility to ensure there is no unique index key conflict:

  1. Set the PATH environment variables.

  2. Change to the directory to which you want log files written.

  3. Issue the following command:

      • (Windows)

        stagingcheck -scope _unique_index_ -sourcedb staging_database_name 
          -destdb production_database_name

      • (AIX)(i5/OS)(Solaris)(Linux)

        . -scope _unique_index_ -sourcedb staging_database_name
            -destdb production_database_name -sourcedb_user user -destdb_user user 

      • (Windows)

        stagingcheck -scope _unique_index_ -sourcedb staging_database_name 
           -destdb production_database_name -dbtype oracle -sourcedb_user 
           user -sourcedb_passwd password -destdb_user
           user -destdb_passwd password



        . -scope _unique_index_ -sourcedb staging_database_name 
          -destdb production_database_name dbtype oracle -sourcedb_user 
          user -sourcedb_passwd password -destdb_user 
          user -destdb_passwd password

  4. Examine the file.

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Related reference