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Synchronize Tivoli Directory Server and Active Directory LDAP changes


To keep the profiles synchronized with the LDAP directory, use the generic sync_all_dns command. However, if the LDAP directory is TDS or AD, we can use...

The commands do not support synchronizing multiple LDAP directories or multi-branch LDAP directories. Running process_tds_changes and process_ad_changes applies changes related to the current LDAP directory only.

Synchronize TDI and AD LDAP directory changes with Profiles

  1. Update the change log properties in profiles_tdi.properties so the changes to the LDAP directory can be reflected back to the Profiles database.

    The change log properties are the set of properties that begin with...


  2. Process changes using one of the following options:

    TDI ./process_tds_changes.sh
    AD ./process_ad_changes.sh

  3. The scripts persist a changelog number. If the LDAP directory is reset, do one of the following...

    • Delete the changelog number value:


    • Set a particular value and passing it the count value to set:


Parent topic:
Sync LDAP with Profiles

Sync LDAP with Profiles
Batch files for processing Profiles data