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Change Files configuration property values

  1. Check out the Files configuration files:

    To determine cellname: print AdminControl.getCell()

  2. View a list of current settings and values:

    Sample output:

      Files configuration properties:
      security.logout.href = /files/ibm_security_logout
      activeContentFilter.enabled = true
      cache.user.timeout = 43200000
      cache.http.publicContentMaxAgeInSecs = 604800
      db.dialect = DB2

    Change a Files configuration setting using either...

    • wsadmin.sh:

        FilesConfigService.updateConfig("property", "value")

      For example:

    • Edit property in configuration file directly, from the temporary directory to which it was checked out.

  3. To display the list of properties and their updated values.


  4. Apply Files property changes


    Check in during the same wsadmin session changes occurred.

  5. Synchronize nodes

      cd $PROFILE_HOME/bin
      ./syncNode.sh dmgr_host SOAP_port

  6. Restart Files server.


Parent topic:
Administer Files

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