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Configure the widget life-cycle retry schedule

Communities uses the IBM WebSphere Application Server scheduler to run a scheduled task that processes events in the widget life-cycle event queue. We can configure the frequency with which this task runs by editing settings in communities-config.xml. To configure the widget life-cycle retry schedule, edit settings in communities-config.xml. We can define the interval at which the task runs and specify when the scheduler starts the task. The interval property is configured with a Cron schedule. For more information about the WAS scheduler and the Cron schedule, see Scheduling tasks.

To configure the LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents task.

  1. Check out the Communities configuration files:

    To get cell name...

  2. To view the current configuration settings:

    After updating any of the configuration settings, we can use this command again to display the updates.

  3. To change display settings for Communities:

    CommunitiesConfigService.updateConfig("property", "value")

    The following table displays the LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents properties that can be updated...

    Property Description
    task.LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents.enabled Enable or disable life-cycle retry queued events task. This property accepts the following values: true or false. For example:

      CommunitiesConfigService.updateConfig("task.LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents.enabled", "true")

    task.LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents.interval Interval at which the life-cycle retry queued events task runs. Cron format. The new schedule is registered the next time that Communities is started on any server in the Communities cluster (if there is one). For example:

      CommunitiesConfigService.updateConfig("task.LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents.interval", "0 1 0-23/1 ? * *")

  4. After making changes, check the configuration files back in

    We must do so during the same wsadmin session in which you checked them out for the changes to take effect.

Parent topic:
Administer widgets and remote applications

Scheduling tasks
Apply property changes in Communities