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Add Sametime awareness through the Sametime server

If we have an IBM Sametime Proxy server configured in the enterprise, and have the Profiles application deployed, we can enable presence awareness and simple chats in Connections.

This is an optional configuration.

You must have the following software enabled to be able to add presence awareness to IBM Connections:

Complete the following procedures before attempting to enable awareness.

When you enable presence awareness using the Sametime Proxy server, a person's online status is indicated by a set of icons and an associated status message available from the person's profile and business card. Presence awareness tells you whether the person is available to chat, busy in a meeting, or away from their computer. In addition to seeing a person's availability, we can carry on a chat with that person even when no Sametime client is installed.

SSL support: If we have configured the product to send traffic over SSL, presence awareness can be retrieved over SSL. For more information about enabling SSL for Sametime, refer to the documentation provided with the Sametime SDK, which is available from the following web site: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/downloads/toolkits.html

After downloading the toolkit, the documentation can be found at sdk/client/connectWebApi/doc/ConnectWebApiDevguide.pdf.

  1. Check out LotusConnections-config.xml:

    To get cell name...

  2. From the directory you specified as the working directory in the previous step, open LotusConnections-config.xml in a text editor, and then find the sametimeProxy service section:
    <sloc:serviceReference enabled="false" isConnectClient="false" serviceName="sametimeProxy" ssl_enabled="false">
    <sloc:static href="admin_replace" ssl_href="admin_replace"/>
    <sloc:interService href="admin_replace"/>

  3. Specify the attributes according to the following example:
    <sloc:serviceReference enabled="true" isConnectClient="true" serviceName="sametimeProxy" ssl_enabled="true"><sloc:href><sloc:hrefPathPrefix/>
    <sloc:static href="http://sametimeProxyServer.enterprise.myco.com" ssl_href="https://sametimeProxyServer.enterprise.myco.com:9444"/>
    <sloc:interService href="https://sametimeProxyServer.enterprise.myco.com:9444"/>

    • sloc:serviceReference enabled="true" displays the Sametime action bar in Connections, and connects to Sametime via the specified Sametime Proxy server.

    • ssl_enabled="true" connects to the Sametime proxy server on the secure port.

    • isConnectClient="true" automatically connects to Sametime via the UIM client, rather than the Sametime Proxy server.

  4. If the Connections environment is configured to a reverse proxy but the Sametime server is not, add isExternal attribute to the configuration as shown in following example. This flag is set so the Sametime proxy server URLs are not overwritten by the dynamic host URLs.
    <sloc:serviceReference enabled="true" isConnectClient="true" serviceName="sametimeProxy" ssl_enabled="true"><sloc:href> <sloc:hrefPathPrefix/> 
    <sloc:static href="http://sametimeProxyServer.enterprise.myco.com" ssl_href="https://sametimeProxyServer.enterprise.myco.com:9444" isExternal="true"/> 
    <sloc:interService href="https://sametimeProxyServer.enterprise.myco.com:9444"/> 
    </sloc:href> '

  5. Save and close LotusConnections-config.xml.

  6. To check in the changed configuration files:


  7. Deploy the changes:


  8. To exit the wsadmin client, type exit at the prompt.

  9. Stop and restart all of the Connections application servers.

  10. Confirm that this procedure worked by accessing one of the Connections applications, and then opening a person's business card. It may take a few seconds for the person's presence information to display the first time. If we can start a chat with the person, then enabling awareness through the proxy server was successfully completed.

Parent topic:
Customize the deployment