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Run Activities administrative commands

Administrative commands interact with the server hosting the Activities application using the AdminControl object available in wsadmin. Each script uses managed Java beans (MBeans) to get and set server administration properties.

When we use these commands to change server administration properties, we do not have to check out any files nor restart the server for the changes to take effect.

When an administrative command is invoked, a SOAP request is made to the Activities application. The number of seconds the wsadmin client waits for a response to a SOAP request is specified using the property...

...in file...

In a system with a large number of Activities, the ActivityService.fetchActivities() command can take a long time to complete. Monitor the status of these operations by scanning SystemOut.log for success and failure messages. If you increase com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout, we must restart the server for the change to take effect.

Parent topic:
Administer Activities