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Log viewer console page

View your High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log, trace, System.out, and System.err content.

From the admin console, click...

Before starting, enable HPEL

We can view log and trace data for servers that are currently stopped as long as a node agent or administrative agent is running on the same machine and that agent is configured to use HPEL.

An alternative to this console page is the logViewer command-line tool.

Log view table

Display the log, trace, System.out, and System.err records.

The log view section displays the records. Use the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, and Last Page buttons to move through the list of records, or specify filter criteria in the Content and Filtering Details section to limit the rows displayed. Records are always displayed in the order they were recorded by the server. By default the log view has 5 columns as listed in the following table..

Column Description
Time Stamp The time when the event was recorded.
Thread ID The identity of the thread that recorded the event in hexadecimal notation.
Logger The logger that recorded the event.
Level The type of event that was recorded.
Message The message from the recorded event. If the message has a message ID the message ID is underlined. Click the message ID to get an explanation and recommended user action for the message.

To manipulate the log view, we can complete the following actions using available buttons.

Button Resulting action
Refresh View Clears the contents of the viewer and reinitializes the view using records from the server. Use this button to retrieve information about any additional rows created since the log viewer was started.
Show Only Selected Threads Filters any records created by any thread other than the one selected in the selection area. Clicking on this button enables the Show All Threads button.
Show All Threads Display any records that were filtered when you clicked Show Only Selected Threads.. This button is only enabled when we have restricted the view using the Show Only Selected Treads button.
Select Columns Enables you to select the columns in the viewer to view.
Export Export logs to local workstation in any of basic, advanced, or binary (HPEL) formats
Copy to Clipboard Copies the records that are highlighted in the selection area into the operating system clipboard.
Server Instance Information Display attributes for the selected server instance process. Use this table to find attributes and corresponding values for the server instance process environment. These properties are similar to the ones found in the header of basic mode logs.

Content and filtering details

Provides selection options to specify what content sources to include and what content to filter from the log view.

To change what content sources are shown in the table, or to filter what content is shown, expand the Content and Filtering Details section.

Server instance

Changes the server instance from which log records are retrieved.

A server instance represents a run of a server process. Each time the server is restarted, a new server instance is created. By default, the log view table shows log records generated in the most recent server instance. To select a different server start time, choose a server instance with the appropriate start timestamp. The timestamps shown represent the timestamp of the first record written to each server instance.

View contents

Controls what content sources are displayed in the log view.

System Out

That content logged to the System.out output stream is included in the log view.

System Error

That content logged to the System.err output stream is included in the log view.

Logs and trace

That log and trace records are included in the log view.

Log and trace entries can be further specified to include a minimum or maximum level. Minimum and maximum can be specified together, for example to display only a certain level of trace. If log and trace is not selected neither log nor trace records of any severity might be displayed.

Examples of log and trace filtering:


Controls which records are included in and excluded from the log view.

For all filters in this section, multiple entries might be specified using a colon (:) as a separator character. A limited set of regular expression characters can be used. Refer to console documentation for more details. If multiple filter settings are specified, the filter conditions must all be true for a record to be displayed in the log view.

Include loggers

List of loggers whose records are included in the log view.

Exclude loggers

List of loggers whose records are excluded from the log view.

Message contents

Message content that each record must contain to be included in the log view.

Event timing

Controls what records are displayed in the log view based on a start and end date and time.


Time of day, which the record creation time must be greater than or equal to for the record to be displayed in the log view.

Time must be specified as HH:mm:ss.SSS using the 24-hour clock. If the From value is not specified, a default value of 00:00:00.000 is used.

On (first occurrence)

Date, which the record creation date must be greater than or equal to for the record to be displayed in the log view.


Time of day, which the record creation time must be less than or equal to for the record to be displayed in the log view.

Time must be specified as HH:mm:ss.SSS using the 24-hour clock. If the Until value is not specified, a default value of 23:59:59.999 is used.

On (second occurrence)

Date, which the record creation date must be less than or equal to for the record to be displayed in the log view.

  • Change from basic mode to HPEL logging and tracing