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Log level settings

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Using log levels we can control which events are processed by Java logging. When we change the level for a logger, the change is propagated to the children of the logger.

IBM recommends using the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure. We view HPEL log and trace information using the logViewer.

Select a component or group to set a log detail level. The table following lists the valid levels for application servers at WebSphere Application Server v6 and later.

Logging level values are case-sensitive and begin with a lowercase letter.

v6 and later logging level Content / Significance
off Logging is turned off.
fatal Task cannot continue and component, application, and server cannot function.
severe Task cannot continue but component, application, and server can still function. This level can also indicate an impending unrecoverable error.
warning Potential error or impending error. This level can also indicate a progressive failure (for example, the potential leaking of resources).
audit Significant event affecting server state or resources
info General information outlining overall task progress
config Configuration change or status
detail General information detailing subtask progress
fine Trace information - General trace + method entry, exit, and return values
finer Trace information - Detailed trace
finest Trace information - A more detailed trace that includes all the detail needed to debug problems
all All events are logged. If we create custom levels, All includes those levels, and can provide a more detailed trace than finest.

When we enable a logging level in v6.0 and later, we are also enabling all of the levels with higher severity. For example, if we set the logging level to warning on our v6.x application server, then warning, severe and fatal events are processed.

[Basic mode logging] Trace information, which are events at the Fine, Finer and Finest levels, can be written only to the trace log. Therefore, if we do not enable diagnostic trace, setting the log detail level to Fine, Finer, or Finest will not have an effect on the data that is logged.

  • Configure Java logging with the administrative console
  • logViewer command-line tool