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wsadmin objects

The wsadmin tool utilizes a set of management objects which allow us to run commands and command parameters to configure the environment. Use the AdminConfig, AdminControl, AdminApp, AdminTask, and Help objects to perform administrative tasks.

Each of the management objects have commands that we can use to perform administrative tasks. To use the scripting objects, specify the scripting object, a command, and command parameters. In the following example, AdminConfig is the scripting object, attributes is the command, and ApplicationServer is the command parameter.

Use Jython:

print AdminConfig.attributes('ApplicationServer')

Use Jacl:

$AdminConfig attributes ApplicationServer

Administrative functions within the application server are divided into two categories: functions that work with the configuration of application server installations, and functions that work with the currently running objects on application server installations. Scripts work with both categories of objects. For example, an application server is divided into two distinct entities. One entity represents the configuration of the server that resides persistently in a repository on permanent storage.

When using a file with a wsadmin scripting object, the local file system is always used, even when connected to a remote server.




  • Use wsadmin scripting with Jacl (deprecated)
  • wsadmin AdminApp
  • wsadmin AdminControl
  • wsadmin AdminConfig
  • wsadmin AdminTask
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client