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Define service policy rules

Service policy rules define the service policy goal to use for a single piece of incoming work. This is done by associating a transaction class with a Boolean expression. Each transaction class is associated with exactly one service policy goal. The Boolean expression can be customized to match any specific piece of work.

Define a service policy to categorize and prioritize work requests.

Optionally, we can add rules to the service policy. If the expression evaluates to true for a particular request, the policy associated with that rule is used. A work class contains a set of rules used to classify requests, such as an HTTP request or IIOP call. Complete the following steps to define a service policy rule. This is just one example of how to create service policy rules.


  1. Select...

  2. Click...

      Add rule > Rule builder > Add

  3. Select the type of rule, such as Group ID This displays the rule builder panel. Continue to build a rule, specify the transaction class, or click OK

  4. Click the new rule to set its operators. A predefined set of operators displays for the type of rule condition that is selected.

  5. Select the operator to use and enter the appropriate information in the provided field. For example, we can classify incoming requests for the StockTradeWork work class by a group ID to use a different transaction class.

  6. Select the (=) operator and type HTTP in the provided field, to provide a different transaction class for HTTP requests.



  • Work class types
  • Define a service policy
  • Intelligent Management: subexpression builder operands
  • Intelligent Management: routing and service policies