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Intelligent Management: controlling the generation of plugin-cfg.xml

We can override the default attribute values of the plugin-cfg.xml file that is automatically generated by the on demand router.

The following elements are formatted as...

...where <element> is the name of the configuration file keyword that denotes the element containing an attribute, and <attributeName> is the name of the attribute located within that element. Configure the elements as JVM system properties...


This element starts the plug-in configuration file. It can include one or more of the following elements and attributes.


The log describes the location and level of log messages that are written by the plug-in. If a log is not specified within the configuration file, the log messages might be written to the error log.


This element is a group of servers that are generally configured to service the same type of requests.

In the simplest case, the cluster contains only one server definition. When defining more than one server, the plug-in completes a load balance across the defined servers using either a Round Robin or a Random algorithm. The default is Round Robin.


This element is a server instance configured to handle requests routed to it based on the routing rules of the plug-in configuration. The server element corresponds to an application server running on either the local workstation or a remote workstation.


plugin-cfg.xml file generation considerations

To generate HAPluginCfgGeneration definitions on demand:

  1. Disable automatic generation.

    Set the cell custom property ODCPluginCfgDisabled_<genDefID> to true.

  2. Generate a new plug-in...

      <WAS_HOME>/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f <WAS_HOME>/bin/manageODC.py generateHAPluginCfgs <generationDefinitionIDs> nodeName serverName



      is a list of HAPluginCfgGeneration IDs separated by commas of the form ODCPluginCfg_<genDef>.


      is the name of the node that performs the generation.


      is the process name that performs the generation. Any Intelligent Management augmented process can generate the HAPluginCfgs configuration on demand, except for XDAGENT processes. For example:

        <WAS_HOME>/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f <WAS_HOME>/bin/manageODC.py generateHAPluginCfgs ODCPluginCfg_1,ODCPluginCfg_2 dmgrNodeName dmgr

To limit how often the HAPluginCfgGeneration definitions are regenerated, set the cell custom property ODCPluginCfgMinGenerationDelay with a value that represents the time in minutes between possible generations. For example:

The configured HAPluginCfgGeneration definitions are regenerated every 10 minutes at the most. If the generator receives notification to rebuild the pluginCfgs, it delays the generation of pluginCfgs written within the last 10 minutes.

To limit how often an ODR generated plugin-cfg.xml file is regenerated, set the JVM property com.ibm.ws.odr.plugincfg.minGenerationDelay to a value that represents the time in minutes between possible generations and then cycle the ODR.

By default, the configured static runtime weight value is used to include stopped ODR processes in a generated plugin-cfg.xml file.

To include stopped ODR processes in a generated plugin-cfg.xml file based on the current runtime weight value (always 0), configure the following settings:


  • Overview of request flow prioritization
  • Configure an ODR to dynamically update the web server plug-in configuration
  • Create and configure ODRs
  • Routing requests directly from a web server to a back-end application server
  • Webserver Plugin configuration