Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
Register or unregister with job manager settings
Use this page to either register a node to a job manager or unregister a node from a job manager. The node can be a dmgr or a node registered to an admin agent.
We can use the admin agent administrative console to register or unregister a node with the job manager. The node that you register with the job manager is already registered to the admin agent. For example, click System administration > Administrative agent > Nodes. Select Register with Job Manager to register a node to a job manager or Unregister from a Job Manager to unregister a node from a job manager.
We can use the dmgr administrative console to register or unregister a dmgr with the job manager. Click System administration > Deployment manager. Under Additional properties, click Job Managers > Register/unregister with job manager.
Managed node name
A required setting that specifies the name of the managed node. For a dmgr, the managed node name is the name of the dmgr node, usually host_nameCellManager01.
An optional setting that specifies the alias of the managed node to enroll. Specify an alias if the managed node name is in use by another node.
Host name
An optional setting that specifies the host name to use to identify the job manager. The default value is localhost.
An optional setting that specifies the job manager administrative console port number. If security is enabled, use the secure port number. If security is disabled, use the unsecure port number. The default secure port number is 9943, and the default unsecure port number is 9960. If no port number is specified, 9943 is used.
User name
User name to log into the job manager when security is enabled.
Password to log into the job manager. This setting is required when the user name setting is required.
Confirm password
Password a second time. This setting is required when a user name and a password are required.
Administer stand-alone nodes using the admin agent
Configure dmgrs
Node collection for the admin agent