Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Scripting the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Manage deployed applications using

Stop applications using

We can use to stop applications.

There are two ways to complete this task. The example in this topic uses the AdminControl object to stop the application. Alternatively, you can use the scripts in the AdminApplication script library to start, stop, and administer the application configurations.


  1. Start

  2. Identify the application manager MBean for the server where the application resides, and assign it to the appManager variable.

      ### Jacl

      set appManager [$AdminControl queryNames cell=mycell,node=mynode,type=

      ### Jython

      appManager = AdminControl.queryNames('cell=mycell,node=mynode,type=
      print appManager

    This command returns the application manager MBean.

    Example output:

    WebSphere:cell=mycell,name=ApplicationManager,mbeanIdentifier=ApplicationManager, type=ApplicationManager,node=mynode,process=server1

  3. Query the running applications belonging to this server and assign the result to the apps variable.

      ### Jacl

      set apps [$AdminControl queryNames cell=mycell,node=mynode,type=Application,process=server1,*]

      ### Jython

      # get line separator
      import  java.lang.System  as sys
      lineSeparator = sys.getProperty('line.separator')
      apps = AdminControl.queryNames('cell=mycell,node=mynode,type=Application, process=server1,*').split(lineSeparator)
      print apps

    This command returns a list of application MBeans.

    Example output:

    #ApplicationDeployment_1,type=Application,node=mynode,Server=server1, process=server1,J2EEName=adminconsole
    #ApplicationDeployment_1,type=Application,node=mynode,Server=server1, process=server1,J2EEName=filetransfer

  4. Stop all the running applications.

      ### Jacl

      foreach app $apps {
           set appName [$AdminControl getAttribute $app name]
           $AdminControl invoke $appManager stopApplication $appName}

      ### Jython

      for app in apps:
          appName = AdminControl.getAttribute(app, 'name')
          AdminControl.invoke(appManager, 'stopApplication', appName)

    This command stops all the running applications by invoking the stopApplication operation on the MBean, passing in the application name to stop.


Once you complete the steps for this task, all running applications on the server are stopped.
Start or stop enterprise applications
Use the wsadmin scripting AdminControl object for scripted administration
Start applications using


Application administration scripts
Commands for the AdminControl object using
Stop business-level applications using scripting


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