Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Scripting the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Use properties files to manage system configuration > Manage specific configuration objects using properties files > Work with service integration properties files

Work with SIB engine properties files

We can use properties files to create, modify, or delete a service integration bus (SIBus) messaging engine. SIBus is the default JMS messaging provider for the product.

Determine the property values to set for the SIB engine configuration.

Start To start wsadmin using the Jython language, run...

Use a properties file, you can create, modify, or delete a SIB engine and its configuration properties.

Actions for SIB engine properties files. We can create, change, or delete SIB engine configuration properties.

Action Procedure
create Specify commandName=createSIBusEngine in the properties file. Run applyConfigProperties.
modify Specify commandName=modifySIBEngine in the properties file. Run applyConfigProperties.
delete Specify commandName=deleteSIBEngine in the properties file. Run applyConfigProperties.
create Property Not applicable
delete Property Not applicable


  1. Create modify, or delete a SIB engine.

    • Create a SIB engine.

      Open an editor, specify commandName=createSIBEngine in the header, specify the SIB engine properties, and save the file.

      You can copy the following SIB engine configuration to the properties file and edit the properties as needed.

      # Header
      # Properties
      initialState=null #String
      node=myNode #String
      defaultBlockedRetryTimeout=null #java.lang.Long
      server=myServer #String
      highMessageThreshold=null #java.lang.Long
      bus=myBus #String,required
      engine=null #String
      cluster=null #String
      description=null #String
    • Modify a SIB engine.

      Open an editor, specify commandName=modifySIBEngine in the header, change the SIB engine properties as needed, and save the file. Set the required property to be modified. Also set cluster or node and server properties. The engine property is not required if it is a single engine.

      # Header
      # Properties
      initialState=null #String
      node=myNode #String
      defaultBlockedRetryTimeout=null #java.lang.Long
      server=myServer #String
      highMessageThreshold=null #java.lang.Long
      bus=myBus #String,required
      engine=null #String
      cluster=null #String
      description=null #String
    • Delete a SIB engine object.

      Open an editor, specify commandName=deleteSIBEngine in the header, specify the bus and any other required properties, specify cluster or node and server properties, and then save the file.

      # Header
      # Properties
      cluster=null #String
      bus=myBus #String,required
      engine=null #String
      node=myNode #String
      server=myServer #String

  2. Run applyConfigProperties.

    Run applyConfigProperties applies the properties file to the configuration. In this Jython example, the optional -reportFileName parameter produces a report named report.txt:

    AdminTask.applyConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName mySIBEngine.props -reportFileName report.txt'])

    Optionally, you can use the command in interactive mode:



We can use the properties file to configure and manage the SIB engine.

What to do next

Save the changes to the configuration.
Extract properties files using
Create server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files and wsadmin scripting
Delete server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files


PropertiesBasedConfiguration command group using


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