Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > End-to-end paths > Web services

Create a monitor for WAS for WSDM resources (deprecated)

The Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM) monitoring support provided in the v6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services uses an external management software. It is, however, more useful to build a custom WAS monitor for WSDM. Use this task to create a WSDM monitor that is based on the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) programming model.

Deprecated feature: The Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM) is a deprecated feature in the product. This task topic and the related links for WSDM topics are not going to be updated beyond v7.0. Instead of using WSDM, you can administer your web services applications with the administrative console or scripting.depfeat

IBM WAS supports the JAX-WS programming model and the Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) programming model. JAX-WS is the next generation web services programming model extending the foundation provided by JAX-RPC. Using the strategic JAX-WS programming model, development of web services and clients is simplified through support of a standards-based annotations model. Although JAX-RPC and applications are still supported, take advantage of the easy-to-implement JAX-WS programming model to develop new web services applications and clients. bprac Complete the following steps to create a WSDM monitor:


  1. Retrieve the relative URLs. The following table contains a list of URLs that you can use to retrieve the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files for each supported resource that is in the product.

    Relative URLs to WSDM WSDL files. Use this list of URLS to retrieve the WSDL files for each supported resource that is in the product.

    Resource URL
    Service group /websphere-management/services/service-group?wsdl
    Application /websphere-management/services/application?wsdl
    Application server /websphere-management/services/applicationserver?wsdl
    Data source /websphere-management/services/datasource?wsdl
    Enterprise JavaBeans /websphere-management/services/ejb?wsdl
    JVM /websphere-management/services/jvm?wsdl
    Servlet /websphere-management/services/servlet?wsdl
    WebSphere cluster /websphere-management/services/webspherecluster?wsdl
    WebSphere domain /websphere-management/services/webspheredomain?wsdl
    Web service /websphere-management/services/webservices?wsdl

  2. Create a skeleton code for the service endpoint interface (SEI) files for the web services client. After retrieving the relative URLs, create a skeleton code for the SEI files by running the WSDL to Java tooling against the WSDM WSDL files. We can use the IBM Rational Application Developer or wsimport command utility for this task. Run the wsimport utility against the retrieved WSDL file.

    At a minimum, WSDL files for the service group resource and the resource that you want must be compiled. When you finish this step, we have created the client code used to communicate with the service provider, which is the WSDM service endpoint.

  3. Write the code for the JAX-WS WSDM client. Review the following JAX-WS WSDM client sample code before you start writing the client code. The sample client code demonstrates a complete implementation of a client suitable for polling statistics for a resource. It is used to delegate the setting up of WS-Addressing resource references, request and response processing.

    Sample WSDM JAX-WS client

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    public class WsdmJaxWsClient {
     static QName WAS_MBEAN_ID = new QName("", "WAS_Resource_MbeanIdentifier");
     static QName WAS_RESOURCE_ID = new QName("", "WAS_Resource_MRID");
     static QName WAS_RESOURCE_TYPE = new QName("", "WAS_Resource_Type");
     private String ServerAndHost = null;
     public WsdmJaxWsClient(String serverAndHost) {
      this.ServerAndHost = serverAndHost;
      * Get a list of available resources from WSDM application   */
     public List
    <EntryType> getResources() throws Exception {
      // Create service and obtain service reference
      ServiceGroupService sgs = new ServiceGroupService();
      ServiceGroupPortType sgp = sgs.getServiceGroupPort();
      // Create wsa:Action
      URI actionUri = new URI(
      AttributedURI wsaAction = WSAddressingFactory
      // Create wsa:To and populate reference parameters   String sgServicePortURI = "http://" + ServerAndHost
        + "/websphere-management/services/service-group";
      QName resourceId = new QName("",     "ResourceId", "muse-wsa");
      EndpointReference wsaDestinationEpr = EndpointReferenceManager
        .createEndpointReference(new URI(sgServicePortURI));
      wsaDestinationEpr.setReferenceParameter(resourceId, "MuseResource-1");
      // Populate requestContext
    <String, Object> rc = ((BindingProvider) sgp).getRequestContext();
      rc.put(WSAConstants.WSADDRESSING_ACTION, wsaAction);
      rc.put(WSAConstants.WSADDRESSING_DESTINATION_EPR, wsaDestinationEpr);
      rc.put(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
          BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY,       "");
      rc.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, sgServicePortURI);
      // Retrieve a list of available resources   QName entryQName = new QName("",     "Entry");
      GetResourcePropertyResponse grpr = sgp.getResourceProperty(entryQName);
      // The returned list <object> must be converted to a more meaningful type   List
    <Object> inputList = grpr.getAny();
    <EntryType> outputList = new ArrayList
      // Complete the element by element conversion
      for (Object obj : inputList) {
       JAXBElement jbe = (JAXBElement) obj;
       EntryType entry = (EntryType) jbe.getValue();
      return outputList;
      * Read a property of specified entry   */
     public Object getResourceProperty(EntryType entry, QName property)
       throws Exception {
      // Create service and obtain service reference
      ServletService rs = new ServletService();
      ServletPortType rp = rs.getServletPort();
      // Create wsa:Action
      URI actionUri = new URI(
      AttributedURI wsaAction = WSAddressingFactory
      // Create wsa:To and populate resource parameters   String servicePortURI = getResourceAddress(entry);
      // QName resourceId = new QName("",   // "ResourceId", "muse-wsa");
      EndpointReference wsaDestinationEpr = EndpointReferenceManager
        .createEndpointReference(new URI(servicePortURI));
      wsaDestinationEpr.setReferenceParameter(WAS_RESOURCE_ID,     findListMember(entry, WAS_RESOURCE_ID));
      wsaDestinationEpr.setReferenceParameter(WAS_MBEAN_ID, findListMember(
        entry, WAS_MBEAN_ID));
      wsaDestinationEpr.setReferenceParameter(WAS_RESOURCE_TYPE,     findListMember(entry, WAS_RESOURCE_TYPE));
      // Populate requestContext
    <String, Object> rc = ((BindingProvider) rp).getRequestContext();
      rc.put(WSAConstants.WSADDRESSING_ACTION, wsaAction);
      rc.put(WSAConstants.WSADDRESSING_DESTINATION_EPR, wsaDestinationEpr);
      rc.put(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
          BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY,       "");
      rc.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, servicePortURI);
      // Retrieve a list of available resources   GetResourcePropertyResponse response = null;
      response = rp.getResourceProperty(property);
      // Return the property   if (response != null) {
       return ((JAXBElement) response.getAny().get(0)).getValue();
      } else {
       return null;
     public String getResourceMBeanID(EntryType entry) {
      return findListMember(entry, WAS_MBEAN_ID);
     public String getResourceMRID(EntryType entry) {
      return findListMember(entry, WAS_RESOURCE_ID);
     public String getResourceType(EntryType entry) {
      return findListMember(entry, WAS_RESOURCE_TYPE);
      * Extract the ERPs address
     public String getResourceAddress(EntryType entry) {
      if (entry == null)
       return null;
       return entry.getMemberServiceEPR().getAddress().getValue();
      * EPRs cannot be looked up by their QName. This method does a linear search
      * of the EPR to find a particular reference parameter   */
     private String findListMember(EntryType entry, QName name) {
      if (name == null || entry == null) return null;
    <Object> res = entry.getMemberServiceEPR().getReferenceParameters()
      for (Object ob : res) {
       Element e = (Element) ob;
       if (name.getLocalPart().equals(e.getNodeName()))
        return e.getTextContent();
      return null;

  4. Create the WSDM monitor. The following example is used for polling a servlet for the number of requests that the servlet is responding to.

    WSDM monitor

    // Instantiate the client and instruct it to poll
    // the server at localhost:9080
    WsdmJaxWsClient wjc = new WsdmJaxWsClient(“localhost:9080”);
    // Get a list of all available resources List
    <EntryType> entries = wjc.getResources();
    // Iterate through available resources until you find
    // a servlet resource EntryType servlet = null;
    for (EntryType entry: entries){
     if ("servlet".equals(wjc.getResourceType(entry))){
      servlet = entry;
      System.out.println("URL " + wjc.getResourceAddress(entry));
      System.out.println("Type " + wjc.getResourceType(entry));
      System.out.println("MbeanID" + wjc.getResourceMBeanID(entry));
      System.out.println("ResourceID " + wjc.getResourceMRID(entry));
    // Request Concurrent Requests PMI statistics from this servlet
    Object servletConcurrentRequests =
     wjc.getResourceProperty(servlet, J2EEConstants.CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_QNAME);
  5. Obtain a list of available resources. The sample JAX-WS WSDM client provided in code example 1 shows a list of available resources. The list is filtered to obtain some resources and statistics from these resource objects. In this step, the client is initialized for an application server that is installed on a local machine and it is servicing HTTP requests on port 9080.

    Initialize WSDM client

    // Instantiate the client and instruct it to poll
    // the server at localhost:9080
    WsdmJaxWsClient wjc = new WsdmJaxWsClient(“localhost:9080”);
    // Get a list of all available resources List
    <EntryType> entries = wjc.getResources();
  6. Filter the available resources. The list of resources returned by getResources call is lengthy. This call returns a list of all resources that are currently available, not necessarily the particular resource type that you might be interested in.

    Filter resources

    // Iterate through available resources until you find a servlet resource EntryType servlet = null;
    for (EntryType entry: entries){
     if ("servlet".equals(wjc.getResourceType(entry))){
      servlet = entry;
      System.out.println("URL " + wjc.getResourceAddress(entry));
      System.out.println("Type " + wjc.getResourceType(entry));
      System.out.println("MbeanID" + wjc.getResourceMBeanID(entry));
      System.out.println("ResourceID " + wjc.getResourceMRID(entry));
    You might want to expand this example to find a particular resource instead of finding the first available servlet.

    To complete this action, do further filtering based on getResourceMBeanID. The string representing the resource is similar to the following code example:

    Sample resource MBean identifier string

    WebSphere:WebModule=WSDMDemo.war,name=myServlet,process=server1,Application=wsdm-demo,platform=dynamicproxy, J2EEApplication=wsdmdDemo,node=demoNode01,J2EEName=wsdm-demo#WSDMDemo.war#mySelvlet,j2eeType=Servlet, J2EEServer=server1,Server=server1,version=,type=Servlet,mbeanIdentifier=
  7. Poll resources for statistics. Finally, you can now request the resource property. A list of available URLs for a given resource can be obtained from the WSDL file in Table 1. The following example is a list of properties for a servlet:

    Available properties for a servlet resource

    <xsd:element name="ServletResourceProperties"> xsd:complexType>  xsd:sequence>
     !--  WSDM MUWS Part 1 - Identity -->
    <xsd:element ref="muws1:ResourceId">
     !--  WSDM MUWS Part 1 - ManageabilityCharacteristics -->
    <xsd:element ref="muws1:ManageabilityCapability" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
     !--  WSDM MUWS Part 2 - Description -->
    <xsd:element ref="muws2:Caption" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:element ref="muws2:Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:element ref="muws2:Version" minOccurs="0">
     !--  WSDM MUWS Part 2 - Metrics -->
    <xsd:element ref="muws2:CurrentTime">
     !--  J2EE Servlet -->
    <xsd:element ref="servlet:ConcurrentRequests">
    <xsd:element ref="servlet:TotalRequests">
    <xsd:element ref="servlet:NumberOfErrors">
    <xsd:element ref="servlet:ResponseTime">
     !--  J2EE ManagedObject -->
    <xsd:element ref="j2ee:ObjectName">
    <xsd:element ref="j2ee:StateManageable">
    <xsd:element ref="j2ee:EventProvider">
    <xsd:element ref="j2ee:StatisticsProvider">
  8. Obtain statistics. We can use the following code example to poll for the concurrent requests property. Then, you can resolve the property to a QName and pass the property onto the client.

    Obtain statistics

    // Request Concurrent Requests PMI statistics from this servlet
    Object servletConcurrentRequests =
     wjc.getResourceProperty(servlet, new QName(“”, “ConcurrentRequests”));


You have created a custom WSDM monitor that you can use to manage and control resources.

Use the code examples to help you in creating your custom monitor, including the SOAP conversation code example.

In addition to these code examples, there is a built-in code sample in the product that you can use to retrieve the statistics for a servlet resource.

To execute this sample, run java –classpath wsdm-demo.jar; <your_JAX-WS_thin_client_install_directory>/ samples.wsdm.servlet.WsdmDemo.


SOAP conversation example

Request available resources

The following code example demonstrates how to request for all available resources.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<wsa:To xmlns:wsa="">
<wsa:Action xmlns:wsa="">
<wsa:MessageID xmlns:wsa="">uuid:2f1abf03-ef3e-0837-b8e6-d34dc8e352e2
<wsa:From xmlns:wsa="">
<muse-wsa:ResourceId xmlns:muse-wsa="" xmlns:wsa="" wsa:IsReferenceParameter=
<wsrf-rp:GetResourceProperty xmlns:wsrf-rp="" xmlns:wsrf-sg=

Available resources

This example is a response that has two available resources that are represented as wsrf-sg:Entry XML elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
<wsa:RelatesTo RelationshipType="wsa:Reply">uuid:2f1abf03-ef3e-0837-b8e6-d34dc8e352e2
<muse-wsa:ResourceId xmlns:muse-wsa="" IsReferenceParameter="true">     MuseResource-1

<wsrf-rp:GetResourcePropertyResponse xmlns:wsrf-rp=""

<wsrf-rp:Entry xmlns:wsrf-sg=""


<wsa:Address> "
<muse-wsa:ResourceId xmlns:muse-wsa="">MuseResource-103
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_ManagedNodeID xmlns:was-wsdm=""

<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_Type xmlns:was-wsdm="">ejb
 xmlns:was-wsdm=""> WebSphere:name=EjbClient,process=server1,Application=jms-client,platform=dynamicproxy,J2EEApplication=jms-client,node=
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_MRID xmlns:was-wsdm=""> ejb:WebSphere:name=EjbClient,process=server1,Application=jms-client,platform=dynamicproxy,J2EEApplication=jms-client,node=
<wsrf-sg:Entry xmlns:wsrf-sg="">
<muse-wsa:ResourceId xmlns:mus-wsa=""

<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_ManagedNodeID xmlns:was-wsdm=""/>
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_Type xmlns:was-wsdm="">datasource
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_MbeanIdentifier xmlns:was-wsdm="">WebSphere:name=Default Datasource,process=
server1,platform=dynamicproxy,node=Node01,JDBCProvider=Derby JDBC Provider,diagnosticProvider=true,j2eeType=JDBCDataSource,J2EEServer=
server1,Server=server1,version=,type=DataSource,mbeanIdentifier=cells/Cell01/nodes/Node01/servers/server1/resources.xml#DataSource_1, JDBCResource=Derby JDBC Provider,cell=Cell01,spec=1.0
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_MRID xmlns:was-wsdm="">datasource:WebSphere:name=Default Datasource,process=
server1,platform=dynamicproxy,node=Node01,JDBCProvider=Derby JDBC Provider,diagnosticProvider=true,j2eeType=JDBCDataSource,J2EEServer=
server1,Server=server1,version=,type=DataSource,mbeanIdentifier=cells/Cell01/nodes/Node01/servers/server1/resources.xml#DataSource_1, JDBCResource=Derby JDBC Provider,cell=Cell01,spec=1.0

Request for concurrentRequests performance metrics from a servlet resource

This example shows how to request concurrentRequests metrics from a servlet resource. The resource that is of interest here is specified as reference parameters in the SOAP header. These parameters appear in bold font.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<wsa:To xmlns:wsa="">
<wsa:Action xmlns:wsa="">
<wsa:MessageID xmlns:wsa="">uuid:2737b4e1-31af-5b0d-cb6e-17e2c812ffbb
<wsa:From xmlns:wsa="">  
<wsa-wsdm:WAS_Resource_ManagedNodeID xmlns:wsa="" wsa:IsReferenceParameter=
"true" xmlns:was-wsdm="">
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_Type xmlns:wsa="" wsa:IsReferenceParameter="true" xmlns:was-wsdm=
"">         servlet

<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_MbeanIdentifier xmlns:wsa="" wsa:IsReferenceParameter="true"

<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_MRID xmlns:wsa="" wsa:IsReferenceParameter="true" xmlns:was-wsdm=

<wsrf-rp:GetResourceProperty xmlns:wsrf-rp="" xmlns:servlet=

Number of concurrentRequests response

This example is the server response. The exact resource is identified in SOAP header and the metric is available in SOAP body.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
<wsa:RelatesTo RelationshipType="wsa:Reply">uuid:2737b4e1-31af-5b0d-cb6e-17e2c812ffbb
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_ManagedNodID xmlns:was-wsdm="" IsReferenceParameter="true"

<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_Type xmlns:was-wsdm="" IsReferenceParameter="true">servlet
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_MbeanIdentifier xmlns:was-wsdm="" IsReferenceParameter="true"> WebSphere:WebModule=WSDMUtil.war,name=ejb,process=server1,Application=wsdm-util,platform=dynamicproxy,J2EEApplication=wsdm-util,node=
<was-wsdm:WAS_Resource_MRID xmlns:was-wsdm="" IsReferenceParameter="true">servlet:WebSphere:WebModule=
<wsrf-rp:GetResourcePropertyResponse xmlns:wsrf-rp=""




Web Services Distributed Management
Web Services Distributed Management resource management
Web Services Distributed Management manageability capabilities for WAS resource types
Web Services Distributed Management support in the application server
Web Services Distributed Management in a stand-alone application server instance
Web Services Distributed Management in a WAS ND cell
Web Services Distributed Management in an admin agent environment
Notifications from the application server Web Services Distributed Management resources
Run an unmanaged web services JAX-WS client
Rational Application Developer documentation


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