Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Secure web services > Secure web services > Administer Web Services Security > Administer message-level security for JAX-WS web services > Configure the Kerberos token for Web Services Security

Configure Kerberos policy sets and V2 general sample bindings

Configure the Kerberos policy sets and V2 general sample bindings that are included with WAS v7.0.0.1 and later. To use the additional Kerberos policy sets and V2 general sample bindings that are included with the product, create a new profile after installing the product. Existing profiles are not automatically updated, and do not contain the Kerberos policy sets and V2 general sample bindings. We can update existing profiles manually using the following steps. To update existing profiles, perform the following manual steps. The dmgr profile and the stand-alone application server profile are the only profiles that update.


  1. Copy the directories containing the additional Kerberos policy sets from the profile templates directory, WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/default/documents/config/templates/PolicySets, to the profile configuration directory, PROFILE_ROOT/config/templates/PolicySets. Each additional Kerberos policy set is contained in a separate directory. The directories are:

    • Kerberos V5 SecureConversation
    • Kerberos V5 WSSecurity default
    • TrustServiceKerberosDefault

  2. Unpackage and copy the general bindings, Client sample V2 and Provider sample V2.

    1. Extract the directories and files from the package file WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/default/configArchives/ into a temporary directory.
    2. Copy the general binding directories from the temporary directory <temp_dir>/cells/defaultCell/bindings/, to the profile configuration directory for the cell, PROFILE_ROOT/config/cells/ <cellName>/bindings. Each general binding is contained in a separate directory. The directories are:

      • Provider sample V2
      • Client sample V2

  3. Restart the server.

General sample bindings for JAX-WS applications
Configure the Kerberos token for Web Services Security


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