Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Troubleshoot and support > Use HPEL to troubleshoot applications

Change from HPEL to basic mode logging and tracing


Use this topic if switch from HPEL to the basic mode log and trace framework. The basic mode log and trace framework is enabled by default when you set up a new application server.

We can switch to basic mode using the administrative console, or using HPEL provides faster log and trace handling capabilities and more flexible ways to exploit log and trace content than the basic mode.

Use the administrative console to switch to basic mode

Use wsadmin scripting to switch to basic mode

HPELService = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:myServer/HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging:/")
AdminConfig.modify(HPELService, "[[enable false]]")
RASLogging = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:myServer/RASLoggingService:/")
AdminConfig.modify(RASLogging, "[[enable true]]")

Synchronize the node agent on the target node before restarting the server. Basic mode and HPEL mode
Start the wsadmin scripting client using


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