Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Establishing high availability > Configure core groups

Configure the default Discovery Protocol for a core group

The default Discovery Protocol for a core group establishes network connectivity between a new core group member and the other members of that core group. Perform this task if tune the default Discovery Protocol behavior for a core group. The default value of 60 seconds, which is set by the product installation process, provides an acceptable process detection time for most situations.

Use the admin console or to adjust this setting if it is not appropriate for the environment unless you are running in a mixed cell environment that includes core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes,

Mixed-version environment: If you are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, continue to use the IBM_CS_UNICAST_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL_SECS core group custom property to adjust how frequently the default Discovery Protocol attempts to open a new network.

To specify this custom property:

  1. In the admin console, click...

        Servers > Core Groups > Core group settings > core_group_name. Then, in the Additional Properties > Custom properties > New.

  2. In the Name field, specify IBM_CS_UNICAST_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL_SECS, and specify a new time interval in the Value field.


To use the admin console to change the wait interval for the default Discovery Protocol, complete the following steps.


  1. In the admin console, click...

        Servers > Core Groups > Core group settings > core_group_name.

  2. In the Additional Properties > Discovery and failure detection. The Use the default protocol providers option must be selected. If this option is not selected, do not perform any more of the steps in this task.

  3. Specify a new value for the Discovery period property.

    Decreasing this time interval might improve the detection of core group members.

  4. Click OK and then click Review.

  5. Select Synchronize changes with nodes, and then click Save.

  6. Restart all members of the core group.


After the servers restart, the core group members all run with the new Discovery Protocol setting.


Discovery and failure detection settings
Core groups (high availability domains)
Core group discovery and failure detection protocols
Core group protocol versions
Set up a high availability environment


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