Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer web services - Notification (WS-Notification) > Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services > Configure WS-Notification resources > Interacting at run time with WS-Notification

List active WS-Notification administered subscribers

List the administered subscribers that exist at run time for a particular WS-Notification service point. An administered subscriber provides a mechanism for the WS-Notification service point to subscribe to an external notification producer at server startup time.

The runtime panels for WS-Notification administered subscribers list the administered subscribers that are currently in effect on this WS-Notification service point. We can use this information to see whether a given subscriber has been successfully initialized.

Administered Subscribers are defined on individual WS-Notification service points. There is no aggregated view for administered subscribers at the WS-Notification service level.

To display a list of WS-Notification administered subscribers that exist at run time, use the admin console...


  1. For runtime information for a particular service point, navigate to either Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name or Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name , then click the Runtime tab. A panel is displayed that contains links to runtime information about subscriptions, registrations, pull points and administered subscribers for this WS-Notification service point.

  2. Click Administered subscribers The Administered subscribers [Collection] form is displayed. This form shows all the currently active administered subscribers for this WS-Notification service point. This collection form contains the following information about each list item:

    Producer EPR

    The endpoint reference of the remote web service application from which event notifications are received. That is, the endpoint reference (web address) of a notification producer or notification broker application. For example You provided this reference when you created the administered subscriber.


    The topic for which event notifications have been requested.

    Subscription reference

    The string form of the endpoint reference that was returned by the remote service as a result of the subscribe, if successfully created.


    The current runtime state of the administered subscriber. An icon indicator that displays either green or red to indicate whether the administered subscriber is OK or has failed. Move the mouse pointer over this icon to see a description of the current state. In the OK case, it describes the last successful operation - initially the time at which the subscription was contacted (for server startup) and subsequently the time the last message was received for this subscriber. In the failed case, it describes the details of the last failure.

    Subscription timeout

    The length of time in hours after which the remote subscription will expire if not renewed by the server. This timeout minimizes the potential for orphaned subscriptions in the remote web service if the local server is uninstalled. Note that this field does not indicate the time at which the remote subscription is due to expire. Set the timeout length to something larger than the maximum length of time that the server is expected to remain offline, otherwise the stream of messages from the remote web service might be interrupted. While the server is running it occasionally renews the remote subscription termination time (with the specified timeout) to prevent it from expiring during normal operation. If not specified, this timeout defaults to 24 (hours).

Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services
Secure WS-Notification
Create a new WS-Notification administered subscriber
Modify a WS-Notification administered subscriber
Delete WS-Notification administered subscribers


deleteWSNAdministeredSubscriber command
listWSNAdministeredSubscribers command
createWSNAdministeredSubscriber command
showWSNAdministeredSubscriber command
WS-Notification troubleshooting tips
Administered subscribers [Collection]
Administered subscribers [Collection]
Administered subscribers [Settings]


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