Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer Transactions > Administer the transaction service > Manage active and prepared transactions

Manage active and prepared transactions using

We can use wsadmin scripting to manage active and prepared transactions that might need administrator action. Before you start this task, the wsadmin scripting client must be running.

In normal circumstances, transactions should run and complete (commit or roll back) automatically, without the need for intervention. However, in some circumstances, you might have to resolve a transaction manually. For example, you might want to roll back a transaction that is stuck polling a resource manager that you know will not become available again in the required time frame.

If you choose to complete a transaction on an application server, it is recorded as having completed in the transaction service logs for that server, so it is not eligible for recovery during server start up. If you complete a transaction, you are responsible for cleaning up any in-doubt transactions on the resource managers affected.

For more information about the TransactionService and Transaction MBeans, see the application programming interface (API) documentation.



The following script is an example of how to use the TransactionService and Transaction MBeans to work with manual transactions. Run the script only against an application server, and not against the dmgr or node agent.

Example Jacl script:

# get the TransactionService MBean
set servicembean [$AdminControl queryNames type=TransactionService,*]

# get the Transaction MBean
set mbean [$AdminControl queryNames type=Transaction,*]

set input 0
while {$input >= 0} {
        # invoke the listManualTransactions method         set tranManualList [$AdminControl invoke $servicembean listManualTransactions]

        if {[llength $tranManualList] > 0} {
                puts "----Manual Transaction details---------------"
                set index 0
                foreach tran $tranManualList {
                        puts "   Index= $index tran= $tran"
                        incr index
                puts "----End of Manual Transactions ---------------"
                puts "Select index of transaction to commit/rollback:"
                set input [gets stdin]
                if {$input
< 0} {
                        puts "No index selected, exiting."
                } else {
                        set tran [lindex $tranManualList $input]
                        set commaPos [expr [string first "," $tran ]-1]
                        set localTID [string range $tran 0 $commaPos]
                        puts "Enter c to commit or r to rollback Transaction $localTID"
                        set input [gets stdin]
                        if {$input=="c"} {
                                puts "Committing transaction=$localTID"
                                $AdminControl invoke $mbean commit $localTID
                        if {$input=="r"} {
                                puts "Rolling back transaction=$localTID"
                                $AdminControl invoke $mbean rollback $localTID
        } else {
                puts "No Manual transactions found, exiting"
                set input -1
        puts " "


Example Jython script:

import sys
def wsadminToList(inStr):
        if (len(inStr)>0 and inStr[0]=='[' and inStr[-1]==']'):
                tmpList = inStr[1:-1].split(" ")
                tmpList = inStr.split("\n")  #splits for Windows or Linux
        for item in tmpList:
                item = item.rstrip();        #removes any Windows "\r"
                if (len(item)>0):
        return outList

servicembean = AdminControl.queryNames("type=TransactionService,*" )
mbean = AdminControl.queryNames("type=Transaction,*" )
input = 0

while (input >= 0):
        tranList = wsadminToList(AdminControl.invoke(servicembean, "listManualTransactions" ))

        tranLength = len(tranList)
        if (tranLength > 0):
                print "----Manual Transaction details---------------"
                index = 0
                for tran in tranList:
                        print "   Index=" , index , " tran=" , tran
                        index = index+1
                print "----End of Manual Transactions ---------------"
                print "Select index of transaction to commit/rollback:"
                input = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
                if (input == ""):
                        print "No index selected, exiting."
                        input = -1
                        tran = tranList[int(input)]
                        commaPos = (tran.find(",") -1)
                        localTID = tran[0:commaPos+1]
                        print "Enter c to commit or r to rollback transaction ", localTID
                        input = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
                        if (input == "c"):
                                print "Committing transaction=", localTID
                                AdminControl.invoke(mbean, "commit", localTID )
                        elif (input == "r"):
                                print "Rolling back transaction=", localTID
                                AdminControl.invoke(mbean, "rollback", localTID )
                                input = -1
                print "No transactions found, exiting"
                input = -1
        print " "


Manage active and prepared transactions
Start the wsadmin scripting client using
Use the transaction service


Transaction service settings
Additional Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)


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