Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer Service integration > Administer bus destinations > Administer durable subscriptions

Stop active subscribers for durable subscriptions

Use this task to enable applications to change a cloned durable subscription. This task enables applications to connect to an existing cloned durable subscription, and to specify parameters that differ from those that were used to create the existing subscription.

When an application connects to an existing durable subscription, but specifies parameters that differ from those that were used to create the existing subscription, the subscription is deleted then recreated with the new parameters. A durable subscription can be changed in this way only when it has no active consumers.

The server_name

durableSubscriptions.ser file in the WAS_HOME/temp directory is used by the messaging service to keep track of durable subscriptions for message-driven beans. If you uninstall an application that contains a message-driven bean, this file is used to unsubscribe the durable subscription. If we have to delete the WAS_HOME/temp directory or other files in it, ensure that you preserve this file.

To stop active subscribers for one or more durable subscriptions...


  1. Use the administrative console to list the durable subscriptions
  2. From the list, identify the client identifier of the durable subscription. The name column lists the unique subscription name for each durable subscription, in the form clientID##subName where:


    The client identifier used to associate a connection and its objects with the messages maintained for the client by the JMS provider.


    The name used to uniquely identify a durable subscription within a given client identifier.

  3. Use your client identifier naming convention to identify the application assigned to the client identifier.
  4. List the applications that have active consumers for the durable subscription. In the navigation pane of the administrative console, click Applications -> Application Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications .

  5. In the console pane, select the check box next to the name of each application to stop.

  6. Click Stop


This stops the active consumers created by the applications, so applications can reconnect to the durable subscriptions with different parameters from those that were used to create the previous subscriptions.
Subscriptions [Collection]
The consequences of changing durable subscriptions


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