Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer Service integration > Administer bus destinations > Configure bus destinations > Create a bus destination

Create a queue for point-to-point messaging

We can create a queue, which is a bus destination that represents a message queue and used for point-to-point messaging.

During this task specify the name of a bus member to which the bus destination is assigned. That bus member is to host the queue point for the new bus destination, and must already have been configured.

To define a new queue for point-to-point messaging, you specify only a minimum set of properties. We can change these properties and configure further properties after you complete this task.

To define a queue, use the administrative console to complete the following steps.


  1. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses .

  2. In the content pane, click the name of the bus that is to provide the message point for the queue.

  3. In the content pane, under Destination resources, click Destinations. A list of any existing bus destinations is displayed.

  4. To create a destination, click New.

    1. On the Create new destination page, ensure that Queue is selected.

    2. Click Next.

    3. In the Identifier field, type the name to give the queue destination for administrative purposes. Restrict the name to 48 characters or less, and restrict its character set to: numerics (0-9), period (.), forward slash (⁄), underscore (_), percent sign (%), uppercase A-Z, lowercase a-z (but there are restrictions on the use of lowercase letters for z/OS console support). On systems that use EBCDIC Katakana, you cannot use lowercase characters.
    Optional. In the Description field, type a description of the destination, for administrative purposes.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Assign the queue to a bus member page, select the bus member that is to provide the queue point for the destination. The queue point is where the messages for the queue are held.

    If you select a bus member that is a server cluster, you create a queue that is partitioned across the servers in the cluster. In this situation, a queue point is created for each server in the cluster.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Optional: If the bus member is a WebSphere MQ server, set the WebSphere MQ queue point attributes:

    1. Specify a value in the WebSphere MQ queue name filter field, then click Go.

      The wizard automatically discovers available WebSphere MQ queues. However, some WebSphere MQ topologies have many thousands of queues defined to a queue manager. Use this filter to limit the number of queues that are listed.

      The default filter value is an asterisk (*). If this value (or no value) is set then all queues, or all queues of a specific type (based on any queue type custom property that is set), are listed. Any other value that you specify must meet the following criteria:

      • It must contain between 1 and 48 characters.
      • It must conform to the WebSphere MQ queue naming rules (see the Rules for naming WebSphere MQ objects topic in the WebSphere MQ information center).

      We can also use the wildcard character (*) with other text. For example, if you enter a value of PAYROLL*, then all available queues with names that start with PAYROLL are displayed.

    2. Specify a WebSphere MQ queue name.

      Select a queue name from the filtered list. If the list does not include the queue that you want, select the last entry in the list labeled other, please specify. A text entry box is displayed next to the drop-down list. Type the queue name into the text entry box.

      If the queue is found on the remote WebSphere MQ system, the properties of the queue as defined within WebSphere MQ are displayed as read-only fields. This should help you to confirm that we have found the queue that you want, and that it is configured as you intend. If the queue is not found, these read-only fields are removed from view.

    3. Specify the reliability levels that you require when inbound nonpersistent and inbound persistent WebSphere MQ messages are converted to service integration format messages. Applications receive messages direct from the specified WebSphere MQ queue, so in general the reliability level for a message is of no interest to the receiver because the message has already been delivered successfully. However, the message is converted to a service integration format message (and typically to a JMS format service integration message) as it is received, and this option specifies the reliability level for the service integration format message. For information about the available reliability levels, see WebSphere MQ queue points [Settings].
    4. Specify whether you want WebSphere MQ to include an MQRFH2 message header when sending messages to the queue.

      The MQRFH2 header stores service integration messaging information that does not have a corresponding WebSphere MQ message header field. When a message is sent to the destination, service integration instructs WebSphere MQ to write the message to the queue. This option specifies whether service integration instructs WebSphere MQ to write the message with an MQRFH2 header.

      If the consumer of the message is a JMS application running in WebSphere MQ or service integration, or a WebSphere MQ XMS application, or a WebSphere MQ MQI application that expects an MQRFH2 header, select this option. If the consumer is a WebSphere MQ MQI application that does not expect an MQRFH2 header, do not select this option.

    5. Click Next.

  9. On the Confirm queue creation page, review the summary of actions.

    • To create the queue, click Finish.

    • To change any of the properties that we have specified, click Previous, then change the properties on the preceding pages.

  10. Save your changes to the master configuration.

What to do next

We can configure further properties of the queue, for example message reliability settings. See Configure bus destination properties. If you configure message reliability settings, remember that higher levels of reliability have a greater impact on performance.

By default, messages that cannot be delivered to the queue are sent to the default exception destination for the messaging engine that hosts the queue point. To use a specific exception destination for messages that cannot be delivered to this queue destination, that exception destination must be defined already. For more information about configuring exception destinations, see Configure an exception bus destination.

If the queue is to be used for JMS point-to-point messaging, specify the queue identifier on a JMS queue, as described in Configure a queue for the default messaging provider.
Queue destinations
Workload sharing with queue destinations
Configure exception destination processing for a link to a foreign bus
Configure exception destination processing for a bus destination
Configure bus destination properties
Configure a queue for the default messaging provider
Administer destination roles
Configure high availability and workload sharing of service integration
Configure JMS resources for point-to-point messaging
Add a WebSphere MQ server as a member of a bus
Queue points [Collection]
Queue points [Settings]
Queue [Settings]


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