WAS v8.0 > Install the application serving environment > Distributed operating systems > Install the product

Use the post-installer after updating or rolling back to a different service level

For z/OS systems, service that is applied to WAS occasionally requires corresponding changes to be made to the configuration file systems for existing application serving environments that were configured at a lower service level. For distributed operating systems, service that is applied to WAS occasionally requires corresponding changes to be made to the profile directory for existing application-serving environments that were created at a lower service level.

Most of these post-maintenance or post-installation updates can be performed automatically. This is done by the post-installer.

The WAS post-installer is a set of scripts that can be used to:

The post-installation process is performed at the node level and must run against each node's WAS home directory after maintenance is applied to the product datasets and HFS and before the node is started. For more information about the post-installer and how to use it to apply or back out service to the configuration HFS, see Complete post-installation tasks after updating or rolling back to a different service level.


Perform the post-installation process in ether of two ways.


Complete post-installation tasks after updating or rolling back to a different service level


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