Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Set up intermediary services > Use the DataPower appliance manager > Add a new managed set

Modify a managed set

We can change the members of a managed set, manually synchronize the sharable appliance settings, administer the versions of sharable appliance settings that are available for a managed set, change firmware versions, administer domains, or deploy a domain or sharable appliance settings version.

To modify a managed set, in the admin console...

Servers > DataPower > Managed sets > managedset_name, and then complete one or more of the following actions.


What to do next

When you add appliances to or remove appliances from a managed set, perform a manual synchronization, change firmware versions, shareable settings or domain versions, an appliance manager task is created.

To monitor the progress of these tasks, in the admin console...

Servers > DataPower > Tasks.
WebSphere DataPower appliance manager overview
Remove a managed set from the DataPower appliance manager
Add a new managed set


dpManagerCommands command group


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