Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Set up the application serving environment > Manage profiles

WebSphere Application Server profiles

Profiles define distinct runtime environments with their own set of files, including application code, properties files, scripts, and logs. WAS core product files, runtime scripts, libraries, the JRE 6 environment, and other core product files, are shared by all profiles defined on a node, and remain unchanged except after installs of refresh packs, fix packs, or a interim fixes. Profiles are created using either or the Profile Management Tool (PMT). They are deleted using only.

The default location for core install files is WAS_HOME, which on AIX systems is generally...


The default location for profile files is...


You can set a different path when creating the profile by using...

-profilePath /path/to/profiles/myprofile01

To have binary core product files at different service levels, use a separate installation for each level.

Profile types

Type Description
Deployment manager Use the dmgr console to manage appservers and deploy applications via communication with federated nodes. Multiple appservers can run on a managed node.

-templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/management
Administrative agent Administer multiple appservers on unfederated nodes.

-templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/management
-serverType ADMIN_AGENT
Job manager Administer multiple base servers, multiple dmgrs, and do asynchronous job submission.

-templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/management
-serverType JOB_MANAGER
Standalone appserver profile Standalone appservers profiles each have their own console, with independent scripting facilities and security policies

-templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/default
Cell Can be generated with one iteration using the PMT, otherwise, run twice with the following...

-templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/cell/dmgr
-templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/cell/default

After creation we have a dmgr and federated node that contains an appserver running applications: HitCount, snoop, and HelloHTML.

Custom An empty node without a console or scripting interface. We can use the dmgr to create appservers.

-templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/managed
Secure proxy Used to process internet requests and forward them to appservers. Resides in the DMZ.

Templates for each profile are located in...


...and are passed to with the -templatePath option.

Default profiles

Scripts that do not specify a profile use the default profile named...

<profile_type> <profile_number>

...where profile type is either AppSrv, Dmgr, Custom, AdminAgent, JobMgr, or SecureProxySrv.

To specify a non-default profile, use the parameter -profileName, or run commands in context from...


Example profile directories...