Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets

Endpoint WebSphere variables


Define this WebSphere variable so that jobs can run under user credentials.

RUN_JOBS_UNDER_USER_CREDENTIAL. The table includes the scope, valid values, and default for the WebSphere variable.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level
  • true

    Jobs are run under user credentials

  • false

    Jobs are run under server credentials



Define this WebSphere variable to configure the amount of time between heartbeat transmissions from the grid endpoint to the job scheduler.

GRID_ENDPOINT_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL. The table includes the scope, valid values, and default for the WebSphere variable.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level Time in milliseconds 30 seconds



Define this WebSphere variable to override the default database schema name for a grid endpoint. Set this variable if the grid endpoint database is different than the job scheduler database and uses a schema name other than the default of LRSSCHEMA.

GRID_ENDPOINT_DATABASE_SCHEMA. The table includes the scope, valid values, and default for the WebSphere variable.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level Grid endpoint database name LRSSCHEMA


Define this WebSphere variable to configure the grid endpoint data source JNDI name.

GRID_ENDPOINT_DATASOURCE. The table includes the scope, valid values, and default for the WebSphere variable.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level Grid endpoint data source JNDI name jdbc/pgc

Configure WebSphere grid endpoints


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