
Install IBM IHS

  1. Make users and groups

      mkgroup http
      mkuser groups='http' home='/home/http' http
      lsuser http
      lsgroup http
      passwd http

  2. Create /opt/IBM and /usr/IBM file systems

    Here is /usr/IBM example that creates a 20 GB file system...

      mklv -y fslv01 -t jfs2 appvg 80 hdisk1
      crfs -v jfs2 -d fslv01 -m /usr/IBM -A yes -p rw -a agblksize=4096 -a isnapshot=no
      mount /usr/IBM

  3. Install Firefox

      cd /opt/IBM
      scp -r root@myhost:/export/Firefox.tar.gz .
      gunzip Firefox.tar.gz; tar xvf Firefox.tar
      rm Firefox.tar
      cd /opt/IBM/Firefox
      rpm -Uvh *.rpm
      installp -acQNgXY -d /opt/IBM/Firefox Firefox.base.rte
      export BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox

    Typical output...

      Name                        Level           Part        Event       Result
      Firefox.base.rte          USR         APPLY       SUCCESS
      Firefox.base.rte          ROOT        APPLY       SUCCESS

  4. Install Installation Manager...

      cd /opt/IBM
      scp -r root@myhost:/export/InstallationManager.tar.gz .
      gunzip InstallationManager.tar.gz; tar xvf InstallationManager.tar
      rm InstallationManager.tar

  5. Unarchive IHS install media...

      mkdir /opt/IBM/IHS
      cd /opt/IBM/IHS
      scp -r root@myhost:/export/WebSphere_Supplements.tar.gz .
      gunzip WebSphere_Supplements.tar.gz; tar xvf WebSphere_Supplements.tar
      rm WebSphere_Supplements.tar

  6. Add IHS to repository

    1. Run Installation Manager in console mode...

        cd /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
        ./imcl -c

    2. Select...

        P. Preferences | 1. Repositories | D. Add Repository

    3. For repository location...


    4. Save changes and exit...

        A. Apply changes | R. Return to main menu | X. Exit Installation Manager

    5. Confirm repository is available...

        # ./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories /opt/IBM/IHS/Websphere_Supplements/repository.config

  7. Install IHS

    mkdir /usr/IBM/IMShared
    cd /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
    ./imcl install com.ibm.websphere.IHS.v80_8.0.0.20110503_0200 \
          -repositories /opt/IBM/IHS/Websphere_Supplements/repository.config \
          -installationDirectory /usr/IBM/HTTPServer \
          -sharedResourcesDirectory /usr/IBM/IMShared \
          -log /tmp/imcl.log  \
          -acceptLicense \
          -properties user.ihs.httpPort=80

  8. Chown owner to http

      cd /usr/IBM/
      chown http /usr/IBM/HTTPServer
      chgrp http /usr/IBM/HTTPServer
      find /usr/IBM/HTTPServer -name \* -exec chown http {} \;
      find /usr/IBM/HTTPServer -name \* -exec chgrp http {} \;

  9. Edit...


    ...and set...

      Listen 8008
      User http
      Group http
      ServerName myserver:8008

  10. Verify install


  11. Start web server

      /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start
      sleep 5
      ps -ef | grep http

  12. Install plugins

    cd /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
    ./imcl install com.ibm.websphere.PLG.v80_8.0.0.20110503_0200 \
           -repositories /opt/IBM/IHS/Websphere_Supplements/repository.config \
           -installationDirectory /usr/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins \
           -sharedResourcesDirectory /usr/IBM/IMShared \
           -log /tmp/imcl.log  \

    To uninstall...

      imcl uninstallAll -installationDirectory /usr/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins

  13. Create archive directory with IHS v8 fix packs

      cd /opt/IBM/IHS
      gunzip FIXPACKS.tar.gz; tar xvf FIXPACKS.tar
      rm FIXPACKS.tar

  14. Add IHS fix packs to repository

    1. Run Installation Manager in console mode...

        cd /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
        ./imcl -c

    2. Select...

        P. Preferences | 1. Repositories | D. Add Repository

    3. For repository location...


    4. Save changes and exit...

        A. Apply changes | R. Return to main menu | X. Exit Installation Manager

    5. Confirm repository is available...

        # ./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories /opt/IBM/IHS/FixPacks/repository.config

  15. Install fix packs

    /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl stop
    cd /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
    ./imcl install com.ibm.websphere.IHS.v80_8.0.6.20130328_1645 \
           -repositories /opt/IBM/IHS/FixPacks/repository.config \
           -installationDirectory /usr/IBM/HTTPServer \
           -sharedResourcesDirectory /usr/IBM/IMShared \
           -log /tmp/imcl.log  \
           -acceptLicense \
           -properties user.ihs.httpPort=80
    ./imcl install com.ibm.websphere.PLG.v80_8.0.6.20130328_1645 \
           -repositories /opt/IBM/IHS/FixPacks/repository.config \
           -installationDirectory /usr/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins \
           -sharedResourcesDirectory /usr/IBM/IMShared \
           -log /tmp/imcl.log  \
    /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start

  16. Chown owner to http

      chown http /usr/IBM/HTTPServer
      chgrp http /usr/IBM/HTTPServer
      find /usr/IBM/HTTPServer -name \* -exec chown http {} \;
      find /usr/IBM/HTTPServer -name \* -exec chgrp http {} \;

  17. To validate, open index page in browser

  18. Set password

      cd /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin
      htpasswd -b /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/admin.passwd HTTPADMIN HTTPADMIN

  19. Create key db and self-signed cert

    cd /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin
    ./gskcapicmd -keydb  \
                 -create  \
                 -db /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/ihsserverkey.kdb  \
                 -pw password  \
                 -type cms  \
                 -expire 1000  \
    ./gskcapicmd -cert  \
                 -create  \
                 -db /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/ihsserverkey.kdb  \
                 -pw password  \
                 -size 1024  \
                 -dn "CN=myhost,OU=IHS,ST=NJ,C=US"  \
                 -label HTTPCert  \
                 -default_cert yes  \
                 -expire 1000

  20. Edit...


    ...and set...

      LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/mod_ibm_ssl.so
      Listen 443
      <VirtualHost *:443>
      KeyFile /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/ihsserverkey.kdb

  21. Restart http server...

      /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl restart

  22. Test secure connection...