Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Troubleshoot and support > Analyzing application server Java system dumps with the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Dump Analyzer > Write Dump Analyzer modules for WAS diagnostics - Tutorial

Tutorial: Writing Dump Analyzer modules for WAS diagnostics

Generate Observations

So far, we kept adding more detailed information in the main report produced by our analyzer. Such detailed reports are useful to allow an expert in some problem area to read through and manually diagnose various problems that are present in the system from which the dump is now being analyzed. But it would be nice, when possible, if the analyzer could automatically diagnose some problems and generate a short statement of the problem that was found, that even someone who is not at all an expert can readily see and understand. This is the purpose of the facility to emit observations from analyzers. An observation is a short statement of a problem or potential problem that has been automatically detected by the analyzer, and brought to the attention of the end-user.

For this example, we will assume that a good indication of a potential problem would be if the total number of threads currently allocated across all the pools, more than 80% of the total maximum number of threads allowed if all the pools were completely used; this suggests that the WAS process is using almost all its allowed resources and is close to being overloaded. Note that this might actually not be a very good indicator of a potential problems in the real world... but it's simple and this will do to illustrate the principle in this small example.

We implement this by adding the following code near the end of our produceReport(), after the point where we have finished computing the values of the numberOfAllocatedThreads and numberOfPossibleThreads state variables that we added in the earlier topic on Extract Values from Data Structures:

 * A threshold to warn of possible thread overload (% of allocated vs. possible threads)
 * (not necessarily appropriate for actual problem detection; just to show the principle of such observations)

if (numberOfAllocatedThreads > ((THREAD_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD / 100.0f) * numberOfPossibleThreads)) { logMessage(IMessageLogger.LEVEL_DBDA_OBSERVATION_LOW, "(minor observation) This process is currently using more than {0}% of all possible threads ({1}/{2})", new Object[] { new Integer(THREAD_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD), new Integer(numberOfAllocatedThreads), new Integer(numberOfPossibleThreads) }, out); }

The output form this, shown at the very beginning of the output from the entire run of the Dump Analyzer tool, well before the main report output from our analyzer, might look something like this:

DumpAnalyzer V: starting analysis of


  1. Observations


(minor observation) This process is currently using more than 80% of all possible threads (380/433)

=========================================================================== 2. Analysis results ===========================================================================


The "Observations" section at the start of the output contains a list of all the observations that have been emitted by all the analyzers that have executed during this run of the Dump Analyzer tool.

In addition, each observation is also shown in line within the body of the report of the analyzer that emitted in, so that it can be seen in the context of other information from that report:


Current number of pool threads: 380 Maximum possible number of pool threads: 433 ---- > OBSERVATION: (minor observation) This process is currently using more than 80% of all possible threads (380/433)


Note that an observation does not necessarily reflect the certainty of a problem: we may use observations to report significant facts that have some degree of likelihood of being associated with a problem, but without a certainty. The key, though, is that the observations should be few enough, and pertinent enough, that a non-expert user should be able to browse them quickly and get a good insight in potential problems, without having to read through and understand the entire report. The typical example of an observation, which in this case is a sure indication of a problem, is "deadlock detected".

The logMessage() method

The code to emit this observation is simple: we simply perform whatever computation is necessary in the body of the analyzer to determine if the observation is warranted and, if so, we call the logMessage() method to emit the observation.

This method is inherited from the WASAnalyzerBase class from our analyzer (actually from a deeper common base class that WASAnalyzerBase itself is based on). It takes as parameters:

Similarity with the logExceptionMessage() method

You may have noticed that the definition and the behavior of the logMessage() method used here, is in many ways similar to the logExceptionMessage() method that we used in the section Extract Values from Data Structures to report an exception that occurred while extracting some information from a data structure. This is no accident. In general, any message being emitted by an analyzer (observation, errors, other informational messages) can be emitted by a call to the logMessage() method with an appropriate severity level as argument; we simply use several pre-defined severity levels to correspond to observations. All these pre-defined severity levels are explained in detail in the API documentation for the IMessageLogger interface.

logExceptionMessage() is simply a short-cut that can be used to pre-format and filter some of the parameters before a call to logMessage(), to be used specifically when we want to report an error that occurred during analysis, and for which we have a particular exception object in hand.

Note that in the terminology of the Dump Analyzer framework:

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