Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Troubleshoot and support > Analyzing application server Java system dumps with the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Dump Analyzer > Write a new analysis module or script > Write and running a new analysis module

Utilities for accessing objects in DTFJ

When operating on objects in a DTFJ image there are some common operations which can be simplified by a few utility classes. Over time the number of these will grow but for now there are some designed to simplify the use of Iterators and

A class that takes an Iterator as returned by DTFJ and internally handles any CorruptData objects to avoid the analyzer having to deal with them. The objects can be simply logged and will also be counted and limited so that the analyzer is not forced to deal with long runs of corrupt objects if the dump is badly damaged. The methods are the same as those on Iterator with the addition of

This extends the capability of DTFJIterator to sort the objects returned into an order determined by the object type. Threads are sorted into name order, objects into address order etc. The interface is exactly the same as for DTFJIterator. For more complex forms of iterator we provide the ObjectIterator class which is further described in ObjectIterator and filtering

A class that is intended to simplify the handling of arrays of objects by providing capability similar to that found on the Vector class.


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