Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Troubleshoot and support > Analyzing application server Java system dumps with the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Dump Analyzer > Write a new analysis module or script > Write and running a new analysis script

Run an analysis script

To run your analyzers using the script you just need to pass the script name as a runtime argument. In the same way as in Run an analyzer we will look at each runtime environment in turn.

How to run your analysis script in ISA

To run your script in ISA:

This output will be similar to that in List 1.

How to run your analysis script in Eclipse

To run your script in Eclipse first follow the instructions detailed in How to run your analyzer in Eclipse. When you've created the runtime configuration to run your analyzer:

As before the resultant output is sent to the Eclipse Console view. An example of this can be seen in Listing 1.

List 1. Example of output from running the script in Eclipse

 DumpAnalyzer V: starting analysis of V:\mydumps\

================================ Error Summary =================================

No errors

=============================== Analysis results ===============================

DumpAnalyzer V: : Start analysis of V:\mydumps\
DWAnalyze detected a multiprocessor dump

Image created on AIX

How to run your script on the command line

To run your script on the command line add

 -scriptDir:fully_qualified_path_to_directory_containing_script script.sml

to the end of the command you ran in How to run your analysis script from the command line. This will look for the script script.sml in the directory we have specified. The output will be similar to that in Run an analyzer. disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


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