Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Troubleshoot and support > Analyzing application server Java system dumps with the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Dump Analyzer > Dump Analyzer overview

Diagnosis steps

  1. Produce a dump from the Java VM. This happens...

    • automatically in the case of some failures
    • triggered programmatically
    • triggered on user request by a signal

  2. Note the name of the dump file produced, for example file1

  3. On the machine where the dump was produced run...

    This will produce a new file - file2.

  4. Optionally transmit file2, in binary mode, not ascii, to another machine for analysis.

  5. Start IBM Support Assistant on the analysis machine, and from the tools menu launch: DumpAnalyzer

  6. The file produced by jextract - file2.

  7. Enter further analysis options if required.

  8. Click "Analyze" to start the analysis of the dump.

  9. The result will be a summary of the analysis and ideally some localization of the problem and suggestions for further analysis or resolution.


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