Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Troubleshoot and support > Analyzing application server Java system dumps with the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Dump Analyzer > Dump Analyzer overview

Dump analysis tool concepts

state dump Appserver state information extracted from running appservers, including...

  • static data currently in effect
  • dynamic information about operations in progress and internal tables

JVM system dump JVM stage information extracted from running JVM processes, including...

  • every memory location
  • state of every thread
  • state of every stack

Output normally implemented as a core file (UNIX), process dump (Windows) or SVC dump (z/OS).

Diagnostic Tooling Framework for Java (DTFJ) Provide access to process and JVM entities contained in a system dump, including every...

  • process thread
  • Java thread
  • Java class
  • Java object
  • Java monitor

Dump analysis tools use DTFJ to dump file contents and format information for presentation. For example, count all the Java objects present in a dump to determine the total size of memory used.

analysis module Dump analysis tools contain an extensible collection of analysis modules that are added to the dump analysis tool incrementally over time by vendors and developers. The dump analysis tool can be thought of as a container that provides common services and mediates the access to all the analysis modules that it contains.


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