
Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Develop and deploying applications > Rapid deployment of J2EE applications > References

The rapid deployment configuration tool reference

We can use the rapid deployment configuration tool (wrd-config.bat or wrd-config.sh) from a command line to configure rapid deployment projects, such as free-form or automatic installation projects. The wrd-config command is run in a non-graphical command-line interface.


Restriction: We can use the rapid deployment tools for packaging applications at J2EE 1.3 or 1.4 specification-levels. However, the rapid deployment tools do not support Java EE 5.0 (or later) nor J2EE 1.2 specification-level. For tools support of deploying Java EE 5 and later modules, you can use the monitored directory starting in WAS V8.0 release. For more details about the monitored directory, see Ways to install enterprise applications or modules and Installing enterprise application files by adding them to a monitored directory topics.


Before using the wrd-config command, set up a workspace environment variable. See the related task about setting up a rapid deployment environment. After we have set up your command line, you can use the following syntax and arguments to run the tool.


wrd-config.bat -project <"project_name"> -style <"freeform"|"autoappinstall"> [ <optional parameters>]

wrd-config.sh -project <"project_name"> -style <"freeform"|"autoappinstall"> [ <optional parameters>]

Mandatory parameters:

-project <"project_name">

The name of the rapid deployment project to create. The project name needs to be unique in your workspace.

-style <"freeform"|"autoappinstall">

The deployment approach – either the free-form or automatic application installation project is used as the deployment style.

The free-form project ("freeform") allows you to create or drop in your J2EE artifacts (such as servlet source, JSP, static Web content, EJB classes or source files, Java class files, and all other generic files) into the free-form project. These resources are automatically placed in the appropriate location in the J2EE project structure.

The automatic installation project ("autoappinstall") creates a single project that listens for fully composed EAR or module files. If EAR files are placed inside this project, the EAR file is automatically deployed to the server. If the EAR file is deleted, then that application is uninstalled from the server. If you place WAR or EJB jar files in an automatic installation project, the rapid deployment tool generates the necessary EAR wrapper and then publishes that EAR file on the server. For RAR files, a wrapper is not created. The standalone RAR files are published to the server.

Optional parameters:


Cleans and rebuilds the contents of the rapid deployment project.


Opens an interactive console session to modify any available parameters.

-runtime <"was60" | "was61" | "was70" | "was80">

After you specify the target runtime, the application configures the JRE library, based on the runtime location, and configures the project's classpath to contain the WebSphere runtime libraries. Specify as an identifier if either WAS v6.0 ("was60"), WAS v6.1 ("was61"), WAS v7.0 ("was70"), or WAS v8.0 ("was80") is used as the target runtime environment for rapid deployment processing. If this parameter is not specified, the default setting is WAS v8.0. This parameter is only used with -runtimePath parameter.

-runtimePath <"x:\WebSphere\AppServer">

Where x:\WebSphere\AppServer is the directory where WAS is installed. This runtimePath parameter specifies the directory path to where the target runtime is installed and is used with -runtime parameter.

-j2eeVersion <"1.3"|"1.4">

Specifies either J2EE version 1.3 or 1.4 is used for development and deployment. If this j2eeVersion parameter is not specified, the default setting is J2EE version 1.4.

-profileName <newTargetProfileName>

Where the newTargetProfileName is the name of a profile for the WAS runtime environment. The -profileName parameter should only be used when the rapid deployment configuration tool is publishing to a local WAS when specifying the host name as localhost. If the -profileName parameter is not specified, the rapid deployment configuration tool by default publishes the application artifacts to the profile assigned the default role in the WAS v7.0, for example AppSrv01. Use this -profileName parameter if to switch to a different profile assigned with a non-default role for publishing the application artifacts.

If the newTargetProfileName is a profile at a WAS v6.1 release, specify the -runtime and -runtimePath parameters. The -runtimePath parameter must specify a path to the WAS v6.1 libraries used for compiling the application. Here is a command-line example to switch to a non-default profile using a WAS v6.1 runtime environment:

WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -style "freeform" -runtime was61 -runtimePath "c:\WebSphere\AppServer61" -profileName AppSrv02

If the newTargetProfileName is a profile at a WAS v7.0 release, you are not required to specify the -runtime and -runtimePath parameters because the rapid deployment configuration tool is already running from a WAS v7.0 runtime environment. Here is the command-line example to switch to a non-default profile from a WAS v7.0 runtime environment:

WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -style "freeform" -profileName AppSrv02

-configPath "x:\filename.xml"

The destination file path for the configuration file, where x is the temporary directory. This file persists the configuration data to an XML file, which can later be used to drive other rapid deployment configuration sessions. If this path is not specified, the default location is in the root of the rapid deployment workspace.

-configData "x:\filename.xml"

The path of an existing XML configuration file used to direct the configuration session. If this path is not specified, an XML configuration file is created at a default location. This default location depends on which version of the WAS you are using to issue the wrd-config command:

For WAS v6.0, the default location is in the root of the rapid deployment workspace. The XML configuration file has the following file naming convention projectName_headlessconfig.xml, where projectName is the value specified in the -project parameter. For example, if the environment variable called WORKSPACE is set to c:\configData and the value specified in the -project parameter is MyProject, the full file path to the XML configuration file at the default location is: c:\configData\MyProject_headlessconfig.xml

For WAS v6.1 and v7.0, the default location of the XML configuration file is in the x:/projectName directory, where x:/ is the directory of the rapid deployment workspace and projectName is the value specified in the -project parameter. For example, if the environment variable called WORKSPACE is set to c:\configData and the value specified in the -project parameter is MyProject, the full file path to the XML configuration file at its default location is: c:\configData\MyProject\.wrdconfig.xml


The available deployment styles and their descriptions.


The available runtime server targets.


Lists the properties for a given deployment project. This parameter is only used with -project.


Specify to disable all console outputs. You find this useful for silent builds.


Displays the optional and required parameters for this command.

Examples of running the WRD-config command

To create a new free-form project:

WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -style "freeform" -runtime "was61" -runtimePath "c:\WebSphere\AppServer"

To create a new automatic application installation project:

WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -style "autoappinstall"

To persist configuration data to an XML file:

For WAS v6.0:
WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -style "freeform" -runtime "was60" -runtimePath "c:\WebSphere\AppServer" -configPath "c:\configData\MyPreference_headlessconfig.xml"
For WAS v6.1:
WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -style "freeform" -runtime "was61" -runtimePath "c:\WebSphere\AppServer" -configPath "c:\configData\MyProject\MyPreference.wrdconfig.xml"
For WAS v7.0:
WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -style "freeform" -runtime "was70" -runtimePath "c:\WebSphere\AppServer" -configPath "c:\configData\MyProject\MyPreference.wrdconfig.xml"
For WAS v8.0:
WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -style "freeform" -runtime "was80" -runtimePath "c:\WebSphere\AppServer" -configPath "c:\configData\MyProject\MyPreference.wrdconfig.xml"

To create a new rapid deployment project using an existing XML configuration file:

For WAS v6.0:
WRD-config.bat -configData "c:\configData\MyProject_headlessconfig.xml"
For WAS v6.1 and v7.0:
WRD-config.bat -configData "c:\configData\MyProject\.wrdconfig.xml"

To clean and rebuild an existing rapid deployment project:

WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -rebuild

To modify available deployment parameters:

WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -configure

To query properties of an existing rapid deployment project:

WRD-config.bat -project "MyProject" -properties

To query available rapid deployment styles and runtime targets:

WRD-config.bat -listStyles -listServers

Set up a rapid deployment environment



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