Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Develop and deploying applications > Develop batch applications > Develop batch applications

Transactional batch and compute-intensive batch programming models

The product provides a transactional batch programming model and a compute-intensive programming model.

Both the transactional batch and compute-intensive programming models are implemented as Java objects. They are packaged into an EAR file for deployment into the application server environment. The individual programming models provide details on how the life cycle of the application and jobs submitted to it are managed by the grid endpoints. Central to all batch applications is the concept of a job to represent an individual unit of work to be run.

New feature: New feature: The Java EE applications that the application server hosts typically perform short, lightweight, transactional units of work. In most cases, an individual request can be completed with seconds of processor time and relatively little memory. Many applications, however, must complete batch work that is computational and resource intensive. The batch function extends the application server to accommodate applications that must perform batch work alongside transactional applications. Batch work might take hours or even days to finish and uses large amounts of memory or processing power while it runs.New feature:
Compute-intensive programming model
The batch programming model


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