Introduction: Naming and directory



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Naming includes both server-side and client-side components. The server-side component is a CORBA naming service (CosNaming). The client-side component is a JNDI service provider. JNDI is a core component in the Java EE model.


Naming is used by clients of WAS applications to obtain references to objects related to those applications, such as EJB homes.

Namespace logical view

The namespace for the entire cell is federated among all servers in the cell. Every server process contains a name server. All name servers provide the same logical view of the cell namespace.

JNDI caching

To increase the performance of JNDI operations, the WAS JNDI implementation employs caching to reduce the number of remote calls to the name server for lookup operations. For most cases, use the default cache setting.

JNDI to CORBA name mapping considerations

WAS name servers are an implementation of the CORBA CosNaming interface. WAS ND v7.0 provides a JNDI implementation which we can use to access CosNaming name servers through the JNDI interface. Issues can exist when mapping JNDI name strings to and from CORBA names.

Configured name bindings

Administrators can configure bindings into the namespace. A configured binding is different from a programmatic binding in that the system creates the binding every time a server is started, even if the target context is in a transient partition.

Namespace federation

Federating namespaces involves binding contexts from one namespace into another namespace.

Foreign cell bindings

If we have applications in a cell that access other applications in another cell, we can configure a foreign cell name binding for the other cell. A foreign cell name binding is a context binding that resolves to the Cell Root context of the other cell. All applications in the local cell can look up objects in the foreign cell through the foreign cell binding.

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