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# Sample LDAP Authentication & Authorization property file

# Realm identifying this LDAP Authentication & Authorization configuration.
# Some web servers may use different LDAP servers or different LDAP base
# DNs for different parts of the WEB repository that they're serving.
# The realm name merely identifies this particular LDAP configuration, ie a
# particular LDAP server, base DN, WEB server credentials, etc.  This
# realm name will appear in error messages.
ldap.realm=LDAP Realm

# LDAP URL of the form: ldap:
# <hostname> is the hostname of the LDAP server,
# <BaseDN> provides the root of the LDAP tree in which to perform
# the search for the authentication.
//sudan/o=Ace Industry,c=US

# LDAP Group URL of the form: ldap:
# <hostname> is the hostname of the LDAP server,
# <BaseDN> provides the root of the LDAP tree in which to perform
# the search for groups.
# Is only required if the LDAP URL for groups differs
# from the URL specified by the ldap.URL property.
//sudan/o=Ace IndustryGroups,c=US

# The transport over which to communicate with the LDAP server:
# Possible values: TCP or SSL
# With SSL, a keyfile and key stash file are required.

# The version of the LDAP protocol to use to speak to the LDAP  
# server, determined by the protocol version used by the LDAP server.   
# This directive is optional, the default is to use LDAP V3 protocol. 
# Possible values are: 2 or 3
# ldap.version=3

# The method to use to authenticate the WEB server to the LDAP server.
# Possible values: None, Basic.
# For "none", the WEB server will provide no credentials at all
# regarding its identity (other than its IP address).
# For "basic", the WEB server is required to identify itself
# to the LDAP server using a distinguished name and password.

# The DN by which the WEB server authenticates itself to the
# LDAP server.
ldap.application.DN=cn=Directory Manager,o=Ace Industry,c=US

# Name of the stash file containing the encrypted password for
# the WEB server to authenticate to the LDAP server when
# 'ldap.application.authType' equals "Basic".  This stash file
# may be created with the 'ldapstash' command.

# The method to use to authenticate the user requesting a
# WEB resource to the LDAP server.  Possible values: Basic, Cert,
# BasicIfNoCert
# With Basic, the browser is required to provide a username
# and password, which the web server then uses to authenticate.
# With Cert, the browser is required to provide a certificate,
# and the web server uses the ldap.user.cert.filter to retrieve
# the username to authenticate the user.

# Filter used to convert (via an LDAP search) a user name provided
# by the WEB client to a unique DN to be looked up on the LDAP
# server.
# ldap.user.name.filter=(&(objectclass=person)(cn=%v1 %v2))

# The characters which are considered valid field separator
# characters when parsing the user name which the user entered
# into the browser's login dialog.  For example,
# if '/' is the only field separator character and the user inputs
# "Joe Smith/Acme", then '%v1' equals "Joe Smith" and '%v2' equals
# "Acme".
# Default field separators are: space, tab, and comma.
# ldap.user.name.fieldSep=/

# Filter used to convert (via an LDAP search) a user name to a unique
# DN.  The field numbers of a certificate are as follows:
#   %v1  - subject's common name
#   %v2  - subject's organizational unit
#   %v3  - subject's organization
#   %v4  - subject's country
#   %v5  - subject's locality
#   %v6  - subject's state or province
#   %v7  - subject's serial number
#   %v8  - issuer's common name
#   %v9  - issuer's organizational unit
#   %v10 - issuer's organization
#   %v11 - issuer's country
#   %v12 - issuer's locality
#   %v13 - issuer's state or province

# Filter used to convert (via an LDAP search) a group name to a
# unique DN.

# Once a group entry is found in an LDAP directory, the group members
# are extracted by using these attribute names.  The values of these
# attributes must be the distinquished names of the members of the
# group.
ldap.group.memberAttributes=member uniquemember

# Connections to the LDAP server are cached for performance.
# This is the length of time (in seconds) to leave an unused
# connection open to the LDAP server.

# If an LDAP server is down, we may thrash continually trying
# to connect to it.  This is the length of time (in seconds)
# to wait between failed attempts to connect.

# The maximum time (in seconds) to wait for an LDAP search
# operation to complete.

# Responses from the LDAP server are cached.  This is the maximum
# length of time (in seconds) that these cached results may be
# used.

# Certificates are kept in a key database file.
# When using SSL as the transport to talk to the LDAP server, the following
# properties must be set to denote:
#     - the name of the key database file; NOTE: The key database MUST
#       be writable.
#     - the stash file containing the encrypted password for the key
#	database file.  Use the 'ldapstash' command to create this
#	password file;
#     - the label of the key (and certificate) from the key database file.
#	This identifies the certificate from the key database file to use when
#       authenticating the WEB Server to the LDAP server.
# Note: The ldap.key.label directive does not work on Solaris for IHS 1.3.19.
#       As a workaround, please set the default key in the key database to
#       to the label you wish to use.
# ldap.key.fileName=
# ldap.key.file.password.stashFile=
# ldap.key.label=


The following directives are used to search "subgroups" when # specifying LdapRequire group directives. Groups can contain both individual # members and also other groups. When doing a search for a group, if a # the member being authenticated is not a member of the required group, # any subgroups of the required group will also be searched. # An example: # group1 -> group2 # group2 -> group3 # group3 -> jane # If I do a search for jane, and require her to be a member of group1 # the search will fail. If I specifiy an ldap.group.search.depth>2 # the search will succeed. # # # # When searching a group to find all the groups that are members of the group # you are searching, there are two directives to use. The first is # ldap.group.uniqueattribute. If wer ldap server differenties users and groups within # a group, this is the place to specifiy that attribute. For example, if we specify # uniquegroup as the attributes, and the all results returned are unique groups within that # group, then you can leave the ldap.group.dnattributes blank. For some ldap server setups, # no differentiating is done between user and groups within a group. In that case, you need to # still specify the ldap.group.uniqueattribute directive to return all the users and groups # within a group, but in addition, you will need to specifiy the ldap.group.dnattributes directive # # # # Attribute specified to retrieve unique groups from an existing group. # # ldap.group.memberattribute=uniquegroup # # Filter used to determine (via an LDAP search) if a DN is an actual group # # ldap.group.dnattributes=groupofnames groupofuniquenames # This is used to limit the depth of "subgroup" searches. This type of search # can be very intensive on an ldap server. There is also the case where # group 1 has group 2 as a member, and group2 has group 1 as a member. # This directive limits the depth of the search. # In the above example, group1 is depth 1, group2 is depth2, group3 is # depth 3. # # ldap.group.search.depth=1