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Test a connection using wsadmin


The AdminControl object of wsadmin has a testConnection operation that tests the configuration properties of a data source object.



The testConnection operation takes a data source configuration ID as an argument.

This invocation cannot accept user IDs and passwords that must be defined in the database itself. This invocation can only be used for databases that do not require a user ID and password to make a connection (such as DB2 on a Windows machine), or for data sources that have a component-managed or container-managed authentication alias set on the data source object.



  1. Invoke the getid() method for your data source.

  2. Set the value of the configuration id to a variable.

    set myds [$AdminConfig getid /JDBCProvider:mydriver/DataSource:mydatasrc/] 
    where /JDBCProvider:mydriver/DataSource:mydatasrc/ is the data source you want to test. After you have the configuration ID of the data source, you can test the connection to the database.

  3. Test the connection to the database.

    $AdminControl testConnection $myds

Example: Testing a connection using testConnection(ConfigID)


Related concepts

Test connection service


Related tasks

Testing a connection with the console