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Migrate large topologies of external WebSphere application servers

You can manage previous versions of WebSphere product application servers, from V5.1 and V6 in the WebSphere® Virtual Enterprise administrative console. If you have a large topology where manually migrating the topology would be cumbersome, you can use the migration toolkit to automatically detect your configurations and import the configuration into the V6.1 or later cell.


Before you begin


About this task

The migration toolkit can automatically detect older WebSphere configurations and import them into a V6.1 or later cell.

The migration toolkit uses series of scripts to connect to one cell, read the data, and then use the same process to import the data into the other cell. Because of the version differences, data must be manipulated. The scripts also function as an adaptor or integration interface. The migration script logic handles all of the routing information and environment detection, sets data to makes things work after the import, and performs integrity checks to ensure a stable configuration. For more information about the migration toolkit capabilities, see Migration toolkit.



  1. Generate the mappings file. The mappings file defines additional data that cannot be gathered automatically. You must generate the mappings file before you import the middleware deployment.

    1. Log in to the previous deployment manager computer.

    2. On the deployment manager computer, go to the AGENT_HOME/bin directory, or the directory to which you copied the middleware agent files from another workstation.

    3. Run the Extractor.sh or Extractor.bat script. For example, run the following command:
      ./Extractor.sh  install_root/config
      For WebSphere Application Server V5.1 with multiple nodes installed, navigate to the install_root directory for the deployment manager. In WebSphere Application Server Version 6 and later, the single install_root directory is the default for the deployment manager profile directory. If install_root does not specify the deployment manager profile directory as the default, pass in install_root/profiles/deployment_manager_profile/config as an argument.

      When this script completes, a Mapping.dat file is in the directory from which you ran the script.

    4. Copy the Mapping.dat file to the install_root/bin directory on your WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.1.0.1 deployment manager.

  2. Run the automation script.

    1. Log in to your WebSphere Extended Deployment Version deployment manager computer.

    2. On the deployment manager computer, go to the install_root/bin directory.

    3. Run the MirrorCell.bat or MirrorCell.sh script. The MirrorCell script uses the following format:
      MirrorCell.* [-props PROPS] [-mode MODE] [-nosec, –nosave]
      The only required parameter is the -props parameter, which specifies the full path to the properties file. For more information about the MirrorCell script parameters, see MirrorCell.bat|.sh script. Avoid trouble: If you include paths that contain spaces in your script call, surround these paths with quotation marks, for example:
      "C:\Program Files"
      gotcha By default, the script connects to the previous deployment manager and generates any necessary delta information between the newly detected configuration and a copy of the last known configuration. The script then uses this delta information to recreate the configuration within the Version cell. Status updates are reported at each milestone.

    4. Log in to the WebSphere Virtual Enterprise cell and verify that the configuration was created properly. To check that your servers are represented in the console, click Servers > Other middleware servers > External WebSphere application servers. To check that representations of your applications were created, click Applications > All applications.


What to do next

You can manage your previous configurations from the WebSphere Extended Deployment cell.


Migration toolkit


Related tasks

Configure external WebSphere application servers


Related reference

MirrorCell.bat|.sh script